- Electricity Market Operation System II. 电力市场运营系统2。
- Finally, considering the particularity of Chinese system vicissitude, pointed out the system flaw which has the significant influence to the stock and bond market operating. 最后结合中国制度变迁的特殊性,指出对股票与国债市场运行具有重大影响的制度性缺陷。
- There are two basic types of market conditions: buyers' market operating through self-organized functions and sellers' market based upon governments' regulations and controlling. 市场状态分为以市场自组织功能为运行基础的买方市场和以政府直接调控为运行基础的卖方市场两种基本类型。
- Economically, it is of commercialized management based on market operation. 经济上实行的是企业化经营、市场化运作。
- Finaly, marketization operating mechanism of DFM is put forward, namely selecting investor and forming winning bid by advertised bidding on market. 最后,论文提出多元化融资模式的市场化运作机制,即利用市场化招标选择投资者、形成中标价格。
- Markets operate in an atmosphere of uncertainty. 市场的气氛就是不确定性。
- Securities Electronic Commerce (SEC) has emerged as a new business model for the capital market operating in the Internet era. Electronic commerce (EC) has brought about profound changes on the global securities industry. 证券电子商务(Securities Electronic Commerce,SEC)是以因特网为平台向资本市场提供的一种全新商业服务模式。
- Make great efforts to cultivate the sports suitable for market operation and establish a perfect sports market system. 大力培育适合市场运作的体育项目,构建健全的体育市场体系。
- The market operator needs not perform the unit commitment, and the transparence and equity of the market are improved. 调度交易中心不负责机组开停计划的制定,仅按报价选择发电容量来满足负荷需求,市场出清简单透明。
- With the 1.3 trillion bonds held by financial institutions, the central bank will expand open market operations. 针对金融机构持有13000亿元各种债券的情况,要大力发展公开市场业务。
- During the year, 51 food hygiene seminars were held for the public, food handlers and market operators. 年内,该署为市民、食物业从业员和街市经营者举办了51个食物卫生讲座。
- Step No. 2: Are we seeing the credit markets operate effectively? 步骤2:我们是否看到了信贷市场的有效运作?
- Now many financial markets operate as publicly traded businesses. 现在许多金融市场以公开的商业操作来运行.
- With the 1.3 trillion bonds held by financial institutions,the central bank will expand open market operations. 针对金融机构持有13000亿元各种债券的情况,中央银行要大力发展公开市场业务。
- During the year,51 food hygiene seminars were held for the public,food handlers and market operators. 年内,该署为市民、食物业从业员和街市经营者举办了51个食物卫生讲座。
- Yesterday it also mopped up a record Rmb225 bn($28.3 bn) in its regular open market operations. 昨日,央行还在其例行的公开市场操作中,创纪录地完成2250亿元人民币(283亿美元)资金回笼工作。
- Expanding open market operations and improving money control mechanism that mainly relies on indirect instruments. 四是扩大公开市场业务,完善以间接调控为主的货币调控机制。
- I have asked the Secretary for Financial Services to take a more active role in co-ordinating regulators and market operators. 我已请财经事务局局长采取主动,在规管当局与市场运作机构之间进行协调。
- There is scope for securitisation of these loans to produce more financial instruments for money market operations. 假如将这些贷款证券化,可以提供更多金融工具供货币市场操作之用。
- Identification of power market operation state is of importance to hedging market risk. 电力市场运行状态识别对防范市场风险具有重要意义。