- Out of line with the prevailing market level. 是指与现行行市不相符合。
- Your price is entirely out of line with the market level. 你方价格与市价完全不符。
- Your counter-offer is not in line with the present market level. 你方的还价不符合目前市价行情。
- But the price comes in line with the prevailing market level. 可是这个价格和目前的市场水平相一致。
- Your counteroffer is not up to the present market level . 你的还价是不符合目前市场价格。
- Your counteroffer is not up to the present market level. 你的还价是不符合目前市场价格。
- Much to our regret,as your price is out of line with the market level,it is difficult for us to accept it. 很遗憾,由于你方价格与市场行情不符,我方歉难接受。
- There have been two major international initiatives in this respect, one at the firm level and one at the market level. 这方面有两项主要国际措施,一是在企业层面,一是在市场层面。
- Our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 我方用户认为你方价格过高,与现行市场行情不一致。
- No official view on the right market level has been taken and there never will be such a view. 我们并没有对何谓适当的市场水平有任何官方意见,同时亦不会有这个意见。
- Much to our regret, as your price is out of line with the market level, it is difficult for us to accept it. 很遗憾,由于你方价格与市场行情不符,我方很难接受。
- The proposals are a riposte to a transatlantic push to water down “fair value” accounting, valuing assets at market levels. 这些提议反击了美国试图弱化“公允价值”会计规则的努力,力求按现行市价对资产进行估值。
- Zhang Qiaomei peddles dish be out of pocket, main reason did not know market level namely, her flatter oneself.. 张巧梅贩菜赔钱;主要原因就是没有了解市场行情;她自以为...
- The price that imports pulp, waste paper rises drop to be affected each other with paper and chipboard market level. 进口纸浆、废纸的价格升跌与纸及纸板市场行情相互牵动。
- The BOJ said that it will decide lending rates based on market levels and that it hasn't decided on a lending period yet. 日本央行说,它将根据市场水平决定这批后偿贷款的贷款利率,并说尚未确定这批贷款的期限。
- From an economic and monetary aspects of a step forward step into the market level, is the mobility of the "breathtaking leap. 从经济和货币层面向前迈一步进入市场层面,可谓流动性的“惊险一跃”。
- Green segregating construction market level will increase land supply for the market to curb land speculation zero level, lower land costs. 绿化隔离带建设将增加土地一级市场的供应量,有利于抑制土地零级市场的炒买炒卖行为,降低土地成本。
- In the unlikely event of hiccups at this wholesale money market level, we stand ready to provide temporary liquidity, as all central banks do in unusual circumstances. 但即使批发资金市场出现一些阻滞,我们亦会像所有央行一样作出特别安排,提供临时流动资金。
- According to present raw material market level, if ambry price covers rice under 950 yuan of / , play the ability of feline be bored with with shoddy material to accomplish only. 按照现在的原材料市场行情,橱柜价格假如低于950元/套米,只有玩材料以次充好的猫腻才能做到。
- The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults. 美国财政部不得不以离谱的高价大量收购不必需的白银,任其积压在库房里。