- A legal expert team in U. N has ever pointed out that UCC can be the same with any market economy country. 联合国的一个法律专家小组在对《统一商法典》进行研究后曾指出:《统一商法典》作为一个基础可以适用于任何一个市场经济的国家。
- Even as a market economy country government, big price hikes market phenomenon, the government should intervene. 即使作为市场经济国家的政府,市场出现哄抬物价的现象,政府也应该进行干预。
- For this.People thinks generally, sluggish bilges is to develop the peculiar child of market economy country. 为此.人们普遍认为,滞胀是发达市场经济国家的特有产物。
- The article believes that, in a market economy country, the establishment of konzern is consistent with economic rules and trend, which shall not be neglected. 认为在实行市场经济的国家里,组建康采恩的过程是符合经济规律和发展趋势的。
- Since 1930's, overproduction and insufficient effective demand has become a hot potato for market economy countries. 自20世纪30年代以来,生产过剩、有效需求不足已成为市场经济国家始终面临的一个头痛问题。
- The private credit system,part of the credit system in market economy countries,is the premise and the basis for the development of consumption credit. 个人信用制度是大力拓展消费信贷业务的基础和前提,也是市场经济国家信用制度体系的重要组成部分。
- developing market economy country 发展中的市场经济国家
- It deserves attention that in the past, Community anti-dumping measures applied different regulations to counter dumped imports from market economy countries and planned economy countries. 值得注意的是,过去欧洲共同体的反倾销措施会因倾销进口来自具有市场经济的国家或计画经济的国家,而适用不同的规定。
- Compared with the traditional financing theory and the practice of finance in the westen developed marketing economy countries,the financing behaviour of our listing companies are abnormal and the debt and capital structures formed from this are twisting. 与传统的企业融资理论及西方发达市场经济国家的融资实践相比,我国上市公司的融资行为是反常的,由此形成的债务资本结构也是扭曲的。
- Deep-level Problems in the Rising Market Economy Country AS Seen in Asian Financial Crisis 从亚洲金融危机看新兴市场经济国家的深层次问题
- Research on the Status of "Market Economy Country" and China's Solution Strategy "市场经济国家地位"问题及其应对策略研究
- Comment on the market economy country law gauge system to the conflict between the employer and the employee 论市场经济国家对劳资冲突的法律规制
- We can develop a market economy under socialism. 社会主义也可以搞市场经济。
- Hong Kong,as you know,is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- EARLIER this year Ukraine became a market economy. 今年早些时候,乌克兰成为市场经济国家。
- Look at Market Economy by Dialectical Sight II. 用辩证的眼光看市场经济2。
- China has a booming free market economy. 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济。
- Macro adjustment is needed in a market economy. 市场经济需要宏观调控。
- Hong Kong, as you know, is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- Market economy is an economy of efficiency. 市场经济就是效率经济。