- Market if touched( MIT) order: A market order to buy or sell a security or commodity that is activated when a stipulated price is reached. 触及市价委托:买卖证券或商品的一种市价指令,达到指定的价格时即可执行。
- However, if touched incorrectly, their sharpness can hurt you. 然而,如果错误地触碰它们,它们的锋利能伤害你。
- If touch her with your dirty hand again, I discarded it for you. 如果再用你的脏手碰她,我就帮你废了它。
- If touch the orange chromosphere, Zhang Ling gets 1 scores. 如果摸到桔黄色球,张玲得1分。
- You can find some antique in Flea Market if you are lucky. 运气好的话,在旧物市场还能买到古玩呢。
- I wear my good blazer to the market if I feel like it. 我会穿着我鲜艳的运动夹克去市场,只要那一天我想要那么做。
- Hailun strategy has been personally think that the relatively simple, the stock not mentioned, and do not touch; blue-chip market if they get support on the 20th line of the bargain to be absorbed. 操盘策略上,个人认为已经比较简单,破位的个股就不提了,不碰;蓝筹股大盘若在20日线获得支撑则逢低可吸纳。
- Unfortunately,some are large enough to give a good sting if touched or stepped on by unsuspecting feet. 如果不幸触到或不留神用脚踩到一些大的个体,刺痛较大。
- Can wipe gently with wet cloth, if touch oily be soiled, can use graze of Shi Xi suds. 可用湿布轻抹,如沾上油渍,可用释稀肥皂水轻擦。
- Unfortunately, some are large enough to give a good sting if touched or stepped on by unsuspecting feet. 如果不幸触到或不留神用脚踩到一些大的个体,刺痛较大。
- If touch,go up of hard rat-tat rat-tat sell the home, concessional not at all, she feels " buy accurate " . 若是碰上硬梆梆的卖家,一点也不让步,她就觉得“买得不爽”。
- Reevaluate your position in the market if charts have deteriorated and fundamentals have not developed as you expected. 如果图形走弱,而且基本面的发展不像你所预期的那样,重新对你在市场的头寸作估价。
- Warnings: Keep away from the children. If swallow, please drink water or milk right away; if touch the eyes, please rinse with water right away. 安全警示:置于儿童不易接触的地方。如不慎误食请饮大量清水,溅入眼睛清水冲洗!
- Now,I think you could help us to widen our market if you'd let us have more descriptive literature. 其次,如果贵公司能让我们有更多说明性资料的话,我认为这会有助于我方开拓市场的。
- In principle all ugly gold should maintain clean, dry if touch water to should be wiped in time, become water mark in case or by rustily. 原则上所有的丑金件都应保持干净、干燥若沾水应及时擦干,以防成水痕或被锈蚀。
- He has no imagination. I can unload plenty of cotton in the black market if he'll make a deal. 他这个人没有想象力,要是他愿意和我做一笔交易,我有办法在黑市上抛售掉许多棉花。
- Cool sea breeze blowing gently, looking ahead, the sea on a set off the wave, layer upon layer, as if touched at the rock shore, from time to time issued "huahua" beep. 凉爽的海风轻轻抚过,放眼望去,海面上掀起了一个个的浪头,层层叠叠,好像在抚摸着岸边的礁石,还不时发出“哗哗”的响声。
- Now, I think you could help us to widen our market if you'd let us have more descriptive literature. 其次,如果贵公司能让我们有更多说明性资料的话,我认为这会有助于我方开拓市场的。
- But Icelandic whalers want to continue the hunt, saying they cannot build up the market if there is no product to sell. 但是冰岛的捕鲸业者希望能继续猎捕鲸鱼,表示如果没有产品可供贩卖,那麽市场也就无法扩大。