- Chinese paint market is a larger deposit growth space, since the current paint 1.9 kg per capita consumption levels only / years, only half of the world average. 中国涂料市场还存着较大的增长空间,因为目前的涂料消费水平仅为人均1.;9千克/年,仅是世界平均水平的一半。
- The market structure of eight dailies of Chongqing will maintain the basic pattern in 2005, the newspapers of the finance and economics plate have more growth space. 内容提要:2005年重庆八家日报的市场结构维持基本格局,财经类板块的报纸还有较多的生长空间。
- Only sanitarian wine industry still is in numerous brand horse race to encircle the ground, market structure had be notted form, and the field that having bigger growth space. 只有保健酒行业还处于众多品牌跑马圈地,市场格局尚未形成,而且有着较大增长空间的领域。
- The main driver for modem market growth,particularly the international market,is the Internet. 推动Modem市尝尤其是在国际市场上增长的主要动力是因特网。
- Once be employed, TCG will provide well training on-the-job and the fast growth space. 一旦录用,公司将为员工提供良好的在职培训支持和快速的成长空间。
- However, IBM faces the problem is that software and hardware market growth rate is slowing down. 但是,IBM所面临的问题是,软件和硬件市场的增长速度正在放缓。
- Business processes and information systems similarly lagged behind market growth. 经营操作和信息系统也滞后于业务发展。
- Reason one: agreement brings overbalance burden for economy development of USA.It can not limit economy growth space by slowing down climate change. 理由之一是议定书对美国经济发展带来过重负担,减缓气候变化不能限制经济增长空间。
- Therefore, a company R &D capability is good or bad, will directly determine their capacity and market growth. 所以,一个公司研发能力的好坏,将直接决定其市场开拓能力和成长性。
- Even if this Huiyuan brand obtained the so-called protection, latent Huiyuan still could not obtain their proper growth space. 即便这次汇源品牌得到了所谓的保护,很多潜在的“汇源”仍然得不到它们应有的成长空间。
- The main driver for modem market growth, particularly the international market, is the Internet. 推动modem市尝尤其是在国际市场上增长的主要动力是因特网。
- Downstream market growth, the company will VDMOS products to improve the prospects for the future. 下游产品市场的增长,将使公司VDMOS产品的未来前景向好。
- Yet even with this somewhat more pessimistic slant, HSBC forecasts emerging market growth at 6.6 per cent this year. 然而,即便汇丰比其它机构更为悲观,但它依然预计新兴市场今年的经济增幅将达到6.;6%25。
- Asda has increased sales of cooked meats by 49% over the past year against a market growth of 3%. 阿斯达增加销售熟肉, 49 %25在过去一年里对市场将增长3 %25 。
- Mr Ollila said: “We are surely benefiting from market growth that is pretty healthy. 奥利拉先生说:“我们确实正受益于相当健康的市场增长。
- The cell phone is the main driver for FPC market growth, in particular smart phone and high-end cell phones. 手机是软板市场的主要增长动力,尤其是智能手机和高端手机。消费类电子领域成长力度也不错。
- Such a sustained pace is high compared with typical market growth rates for energy but is not unprecedented. 这样的步调比起一般的能源市场成长率要高,但并非史无前例。
- The Group strives to tap on the PCB market growth opportunities with new investments in the production of more quality PCB at competitive prices. 此外,集团锐意透过投资,以具竞争力的价格生产质量更佳的印刷线路板,以捕捉印刷线路板市场增长所带来的新商机。
- Only a few top colleges and universities have stable endowment funds that generate money through interest accumulation and stock market growth. 只有少数第一流的学院和综合性大学有稳定的捐赠基金,可以通过利息积累和股票市场提成而产生资金。
- LVI market growth exceeds that of the general irrigation market reaching 10%-12% annually, taken mainly from the Overhead market. 低流量灌溉市场一般每年增长10%25-12%25,主要来自喷灌市场。