- The local government will reform its market access policies. 地方政府将要改革其市场准入政策。
- The two IT companies are bickering over market access. 两家资讯科技公司正为争夺市场而闹个不休。
- Guangzhou City real estate market access scale operation phase. 广州市房地产市场进入规模经营阶段。
- And tries to establish the basic frame of legal institution for market access. 狭义的市场准入或指一般市场准入,或指特殊市场准入,或指国际市场准入。
- Hedged market access strategies will be used to increase risk adjusted returns. 对冲市场策略将被采用以增加风险调整收益.
- The qualifications of all kinds of market entities need to be carefully examined to properly control market access. 严格审查各类市场主体的资质,把好市场准入关。
- Thirdly, the development of new economy has open the door wider for companies to get market access. 第三,新经济的发展,给企业的市场进入大开方便之门。
- We have noticed that recently Taiwan has reached bilateral market access agreement with the United States on the issue of WTO entrance. 我们注意到,最近台湾方面己同美就加入WTO问题达成了双边市场准入协议。
- We should expand the area in which private capital has market access and create an environment of fair competition for all types of market players. 放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,创造各类市场主体公平竞争的环境。
- Direct Market Access Adapters have been developed for a wide range of Exchanges globally. 我们开发的市场直连适配器用于全球各大交易所。
- One such area will be to cooperate in market access, export controls and trade finance. 其中一项就是在市场准入、出口控制及贸易财务方面紧密合作。
- In EC, Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR) is an important tool to realize the Market Access Strategy. 在欧共体 ,《贸易壁垒条例》是实施“市场进入战略”贸易政策的重要工具。
- China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party. 中国与工作组成员就货物贸易进行了双边市场准入谈判。
- How to improve the market access speed and guarantee the quality is infinite importance. 如何在加快自主创新药品市场准入速度的同时,保证市场准入的质量是重要的课题,也是为本文研究的着眼点。
- An assembly running in this context can only access limited resources on the local server. 在此上下文中运行的程序集只能访问本地服务器上的有限资源。
- The struggle between organisms of the same or different species in order to access limited resources. 在同一或不同种群的生物之间为获得有限资源而进行的争斗。
- Furthermore, the author examined the relationship between specific commitments and market access. 在明确具体承诺的解释规则之后,笔者进而分析了具体承诺与市场准入的关系。
- It is suggested that it should deregulate the oil market access, open the oil end use distr. 建议应尽快着手放松石油市场准入管制,放开石油终端销售市场,建立科学合理的现代石油市场。
- They promised to make deeper reductions in farm subsidies, widen market access for agricultural goods and cut tariffs. 双方做出保证大幅度减少农业补贴,放宽农产品市场准入并削减关税。
- NAMA or Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiation deals with a wide-range of manufactured and industrial goods. 非农产品的市场准入谈判涉及制造业和其他工业领域的多种产品。