- marked by skill in deception. 以欺骗的技巧为特点。
- Skilled in or marked by underhandedness,deviousness,or deception. 狡猾的精通于或以阴险、肮脏或欺骗手段为特征的
- Skilled in or marked by underhandedness, deviousness, or deception. 狡猾的精通于或以阴险、肮脏或欺骗手段为特征的
- marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft 以达到渴望目标的熟练性为特点,特别是灵巧或者有技巧
- marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft. 以达到渴望目标的熟练性为特点,特别是灵巧或者有技巧。
- Of, relating to, marked by, or skilled in methodical and logical reasoning. 推理的用理性或逻辑方法进行推理的,与之有关的,以此为特点的或善于推理的
- Skill in evasion or deception; guile. 狡诈逃避或欺骗的技巧; 诡计
- Marked by inventive skill and imagination. 灵巧的拥有创造性天才和想象力的
- Skill in deception;guile. 诡计骗人的技巧;狡诈
- Skill in deception; guile. 诡计骗人的技巧;狡诈
- One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity. 冒名顶替的人涉及以假名或假身份欺骗的人
- The dragonet practices a body good skill in wushu in Shaolin Temple, is sent by skilled worker to descend the mountain seeks for the Buddha reason. 龙在少林:小龙在少林寺练得一身好武艺,被师傅派下山去寻找佛缘。
- Skill in evasion or deception;guile. 狡诈逃避或欺骗的技巧;诡计
- Marked by or moving in a wavelike form or motion; sinuous. 波状的或以波浪式运动的; 起伏不平的
- Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished. 高尚的,有教养的品味和举止优雅的; 有文化的; 有修养的
- She shows a high degree of skill in her work. 她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
- Marked by striking audacity or verve. 过人勇气的或精力旺盛的
- Having or marked by bilateral symmetry. 左右对称的以或表现为左右对称的
- The writer had great skill in narrative. 这位作家极擅长叙述。
- They reached a crossroads marked by a signpost. 他们到了一个设有路标的十字路口。