- duration-specific marital fertility rate 已婚年数别生育率
- age-specific marital fertility rate 年龄别婚生率
- marital fertility rates 婚生率
- marital fertility rate [法] 婚生率
- Nugent says statistics on the fertility rate were also revealing. 认为生育率的统计书数也是很有启迪意义的。
- But whatever the cause, it seems to mean fertility rates can overshoot downwards. 然而不管原因是什么,看起来都表示人口出生率下降过头了。
- We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation. 只有思想观念得以改变,明白身为人类一员所应承担的责任时,生育率回弹才能成为一种可能。
- Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about measures to raise the fertility rate. 要生育率回升,方法似乎不多。
- Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, and even Vietnam all have fertility rates well below par. 日本、韩国、中国、台湾、新加坡、泰国甚至是越南的生育率都在均值之下。
- All the countries with fertility rates over 5.0 are in Africa (with the one exception of Yemen). 所有生育率超过5.;0的国家都在非洲(还有个例外是也门)。
- And Mr Daly argues that it would not reduce fertility rates, as some people may fear. 戴利先生争辩道,由于一些人的担心,则这并不能降低高的税率。
- India's poorest state, Bihar, has a fertility rate of 4;richer Tamil Nadu and Kerala have rates below 2. 印度最贫穷的省,比尔哈省,生育率为4,而最富有省份泰米尔纳德邦和碦拉拉邦生育率为2以下。
- Unfortunately,the same cannot be said about measures to raise the fertility rate. 要生育率回升,方法似乎不多。
- Here, the fertility rate is below1.5 and countries are struggling in a fertility trap. 这里的出生率低于1.;5,这些国家在生育泥潭里面挣扎。
- Another finding was that fertility rates have declined in those parts of Morocco and Turkey that export labour to Europe. 报告的另一项发现是,在摩洛哥和土耳其向欧洲输出劳动力的地区,生育率有所下降。
- In spite of a series of measures to encourage Singaporeans to go forth and multiply, there are still no signs of a rebound in the fertility rate. 新加坡政府颁布一系列优惠措施,鼓励国民多生育。虽然开出的配套颇诱人,生育率仍没有回弹的迹象。
- By comparison, the fertility rate in developed countries has been stable, or falling. 比较而言,发达国家的生育率保持稳定或是下降趋势。
- Since our country fertility rate change always all has close relationship with the birth civilization development. 我国的生育率变化一直以来都与生育文明的发展有着密切的关系。
- The new numbers suggest the second year of a baby boomlet, with U.S. fertility rates higher in every racial group, the highest among Hispanic women. 新的数字显示,第二年的婴儿热潮,美国生育率高于一切种族集团,最高的是拉美裔妇女。
- For the royal women, through historical and revelant epitaph records, the concubine fertility rate is 1.55. 而对于皇室妇女来说,通过史书和墓志的相关记载,得出后妃的生育率为1.;55。