- marine resource conception 海洋资源观
- Fisheries Subsidies And Marine Resource Management: Lessons From Bangladesh? 渔业津贴与海洋资源管理:孟加拉国的经验?
- Sandu'ao also has rich marine resources. 三都澳还有着丰富的海產资源。
- People is conjectural, can solve human resource to consume the best way of difficult problem later, will be marine resource. 人们推测,以后能够解决人类资源消费难题的最好途径,将会是海洋资源。
- There are abundant marine resources along the Zhuanghe beach. 庄河的浅海和滩涂资源非常丰富。
- Preserve marine resources and promote the marine cause. 保护海洋资源,促进海洋事业的发展
- Blue projects: Projects covering coastal and marine resources. 蓝色项目:指利用沿海和海洋资源的项目
- This paper gives a brief review on the existent problems in Tangshan marine resource exploitation,such as industry structure illogicality,marine environment breakage,etc. 本文就唐山市海洋资源开发中存在的产业结构不合理、海洋生态环境遭到破坏等问题进行了分析。
- This area possesses a rich natural environment abundant with marine resources. 这一地区拥有良好的自然环境,并且蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。
- More programs should be implemented for developing marine resources. 更多的开发海洋资源的计划应该实施开展起来。
- Rich marine resources are an inexhaustible treasure of Phoenix Island. 丰富的海洋资源,是凤凰岛取之不竭的价值宝藏。
- Our marine resources could yield a vastly increased supply of high quality protein. 我们的海洋资源能大量增加优质蛋白质的供应。
- Academic Seminar of Both Side of Taiwan Strait on South China Sea and Marine Resources, 2003, Boao, Hainan. 2003年10月,湖北武汉,环境资源法学国际学术研讨会。
- Cephalopods become one of the most important commercial marine resources worldwide. 头足类在近年变成了重要的世界性海洋渔业资源。
- Have all marine resources been abused or exploited to the point where the sea can do nothing more for man? 所有的海洋资源已经被滥用或开发到不能再为人类提供更多用处的程度了吗?
- Countries such as China, India and South Africa are becoming increasingly interested in safeguarding marine resources. 象中国、印度和南非等国家正对保护海洋资源越来越有兴趣。
- Marine functional zoning is an important move to realize marine resources and socio-economic sustainable development. 海洋功能区划是为实现海洋资源、社会经济可持续发展的重要举措。
- China adopts the policy of placing equal stress on development and protection,to guarantee the sustainable utilization of marine resources. 中国实行开发与保护并重的方针,确保海洋资源可持续利用。
- Simultaneously planning and implementing the development of marine resources and the protection of the marine environment. 海洋资源开发和海洋环境保护同步规划、同步实施。
- This book promotes the rich marine resources of Hong Kong, and introduces the conservation works that have been undertaken. 本书展示香港海岸环境拥有的丰富海洋资源,并介绍有关的保育工作。