- marine leisure industry 海上休闲产业
- Leisure industry mainly refers to tourism and recreation. 休闲业主要指旅游业和娱乐业。
- The niche markets at the top of the pyra in high-taste leisure industry area. 高品味休闲产业领域中金字塔最尖端的小众市场。
- A wide range of marine leisure activities such as fishing, water-skiing, canoeing, wind-surfing, diving and swimming are also pursued. 垂钓、滑水、划独木舟、风帆冲浪、潜水和游泳都是人们热衷的运动。
- Promote the sports industry with the development of the sports leisure industry at the core. 以体育休闲业的发展为龙头,带动体育的产业化。
- The niche markets at the top of the pyramid in high-taste leisure industry area. 高品味休闲产业领域中金字塔最尖端的小众市场。
- Let people eat characteristics, eat culture, eat brand, eat a gourmet leisure industry, is the first organized the purpose of the MOS Food Festival. 让人们吃出特色、吃出文化、吃出品牌、吃出一个美食休闲产业,是举办首届马鞍山美食节的宗旨。
- A notable recent UK installation is at The Print Factory, Northampton for specialized coupons for the leisure industry. 最近的一个显着的英国安装在打印厂,北安普顿的专门优惠券的休闲产业。
- Shanghai Huangpu River to connect the Dianpuhe "landscape water" theme created, nurtured yacht leisure industry. 对连接黄浦江淀山湖的淀浦河进行“景观水系”主题打造,培育游艇休闲产业。
- We hope through textual discussion, can provide some cognition and suggestion for future management of the leisure industry. 希望透过这种基本学术型式的讨论,可对于未来台湾休?产业之经营走向与方针提供一些系统的认知与建议。
- Okinawa Marine Leisure Safety Bureau 冲绳海上游览安全事务局
- Based on practical experiences, we study how to promote the development of Tourism & Leisure Industry of Zhuzhou County. 因此,本文结合工作实践,对株洲县如何立足自身条件,发展旅游休闲产业进行了探讨。
- Because the leisure industry has strong correlation, it can bring the large multiplicator effect to the leisure industry investment. 由于休闲产业的产业关联性很强,因而对休闲产业的投入会带来很大的乘数效应。
- The leisure industry injected new vitalities to the sustainable development of medium-sized tourism cities and it indicated a direction. 休闲产业则为其可持续发展注入了新的活力,指明了一个方向。
- As one leading inflatable manufacturers in China, we are design and build quality inflatables for both the leisure industry and the publicity/advertising industry. 作为一个龙头,可充气的制造商在中国,我们是设计和建造质量充气双方休闲产业和宣传/广告业。
- However, during the process of promoting leisure industry, many unharmonious phenomena have emerged and the author in this paper tries to figure out a solution to the issues. 我们可以通过加强休闲教育,关注弱势群体,丰富休闲产业品种,加强监督管理,完善休闲环境,处理好各种矛盾,建立公平合理的社会休闲秩序等途径最终促进和谐社会的构建。
- "Had we known what we kown now,would we have bid for the Olympics?Almost certainly not," Jowell told leisure industry bosses at a dinner,the Daily Telegraph reported. 乔韦儿在一次晚宴上对休闲产业的老板们说:“如果我们早知道现在的状况,还会申办奥运会吗?
- This article begins with the analysis of individual spacial distributing feature of urban leisure industry, it discusses its spacial classification relationship. 本文通过对城市游憩业个体空间分布特征的研究入手进一步论述了城市游憩业的空间分级关系。
- At least 5,000 jobs a week are vanishing in the catering and leisure industries and tourism. 在服务、娱乐和旅游行业,每周至少有5,000份工作在消失。
- Undeniably, the travel and tourism is a close link with the leisure activities of industries, but by no means the only leisure industry. 无可否认,旅行和旅游业是一项同休闲活动密切联系的产业,但决不是唯一的休闲产业。