- marine geologic map 海洋地质图
- Questions about oceanography or marine geology? 关于海洋学或海洋地质学有什么问题吗?
- The widest application is found in areal or general geologic mapping. 最广泛的应用见于地面的或普通的地质填图。
- military engineering geologic map 军事工程地质图
- For this reason it is often convenient to overlay the geochemical map with a geological map transparency. 由于这个缘故,最好用透明的地质图蒙在地球化学图上。
- Department of Marine Geology, Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. 1985. Geology of the Bohai Sea [M].Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 中国科学院海洋研究所海洋地质研究室.;1985
- Mr.Reid majored in marine geology at college, but he worked in a firm that manufactured marble handicrafts. 里德先生在大学主修海洋地质学,但他却在一家制造大理石手工艺品的公司上班。
- Here DEM data were produced by digitizing the contour line.Geology data were got from geology map. 最后利用相关分析法,图解分析,比较分析等方法对实验结果进行了探讨分析。
- Non-metallic IP is a supplementary parameter distinguishing certain categories of rock and could certainly furnish valuable information for geologic mapping. 非金属IP是区分某些种类岩石的一个辅助参数,肯定能给地质填图提供有价值的资料。
- WILLIAM F.RUDDIMAN is a marine geologist and professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia. 鲁迪曼是一位海洋地质学家,也是美国维吉尼亚大学的环境科学退休教授。
- Development of oceanography is with understanding, utilizing exploring and protecting the ocean in which marine geology is necessary for mankind. 海洋科学的发展是伴随人们认识、利用和开发海洋而发展的,海洋地质的知识是人们了解、开发与保护海洋的所必须的。
- Fig. 1 Geological map of the Sulu region and the location of the Chinese continental drilling site(modified from reference[ 8 ]). 图1苏鲁连云港地区的构造与大陆科学钻探孔区位置图(据文献[8]简化).
- Evidence for continental drift: Marine geology, paleomagnetism, stratigraphic, paleoclimatic and paleontological evidence. 我当然相信板块“漂移”(其实不是漂了)学说了。
- Zunyi in Guizhou in 1940 to carry out geological work, etc., finish drawing the ancient site of China's first geological map. 1940年在贵州遵义等地开展地质工作,绘制完成我国第一幅古地质图。
- The study of foraminifera, ostrocoda, radiolaria and calcareous nannofossil plays an important,indispensable and useful role in the marine geology research. 其中有孔虫、介形虫、放射虫、超微化石等海洋微体生物壳体是海洋地质研究不可缺少和替代的重要部分。
- This site features GSSR and provides general information about the profile, activities and organization.An interactive geological map of Slowakia is contained. 该站点以斯咯伐克共和国地质调查局有特色,提供了相关概括信息、活动安排、组织机构等介绍。
- The study of foraminifera, ostrocoda, radiolaria and calcareous nannofossil plays an important, indispensable and useful role in the marine geology research. 其中有孔虫、介形虫、放射虫、超微化石等海洋微体生物壳体是海洋地质研究不可缺少和替代的重要部分。
- This paper explains the technique and method of MAPGIS in plotting geological map,and proposes some measures for improving further the quality of map plotting. 本文主要叙述MAPGIS在地学制图上的技术和方法,同时,提出进一步提高地学图制图质量的措施和途径。
- Chengdu Institute of Geology and mineral, CAGS.1988. Geological map of Qinghai-Tibet Platean and vicinity [Z].Geological Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese). 中国地质科学院成都地质矿产研究所.;1988
- Through section observation and autocorrelation analysis, the multiples of single-channel seismic data from marine geology survey were classified into two kinds. 通过剖面观察、自相关分析等手段将海洋地质调查单道地震资料中存在的多次波分为两大类。