- Study on Structure Regulation of Marine Fishing Motor Vessels by Structure Adjustment to Powerboats by Multi-Goal Attainment Linear Programming in Maoming Marine Fishery 多目标线性规划法对茂名市海洋机动渔船结构调整的研究
- marine fishing motor vessels 海洋机动渔船
- Many marine fish breed in Hong Kong waters. 本港海域有多种海鱼栖居。
- They supplied 2470 tonnes of live marine fish valued at $136 million. 海鱼养殖业供应的活海鱼达2470公吨,价值1.;36亿元。
- In 1999,they supplied 1 250 tonnes of live marine fish valued at $66 million. 年内,海鱼养殖业供应的活海鱼达1250公吨,价值6,600万元。
- Marine fish constitute one of Hong Kong's most important primary products. 海鱼是本港最主要的原产品之一。
- Many marine fishes inhabit the mid-waters. 许多海洋鱼类生活在中层水域。
- Marine fishing vessel analysis system 海洋捕捞渔船分析系统
- In 1999, they supplied 1 250 tonnes of live marine fish valued at $66 million. 年内,海鱼养殖业供应的活海鱼达1250公吨,价值6,600万元。
- Article 31 "Traffic noise",as used in this Law means the sound that is emitted by such means of transport as motor vehicles,locomotives,motor vessels and aircraft in motion and that impairs the living environment of the neighbourhood. 第三十一条 本法所称交通运输噪声,是指机动车辆、铁路机车、机动船舶、航空器等交通运输工具在运行时所产生的干扰周围生活环境的声音。
- Licences for using large trawls and purse seines in marine fishing shall be granted upon approval by the department of fishery administration under the State Council. 海洋大型拖网、围网作业的捕捞许可证,由国务院渔业行政主管部门批准发放。
- Article 31 "Traffic noise", as used in this Law means the sound that is emitted by such means of transport as motor vehicles, locomotives, motor vessels and aircraft in motion and that impairs the living environment of the neighbourhood. 第三十一条 本法所称交通运输噪声,是指机动车辆、铁路机车、机动船舶、航空器等交通运输工具在运行时所产生的干扰周围生活环境的声音。
- Hook &Line, Inc. - Marine fishing and hunting items including guns, ammo, archery and trolling motors. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Any of several related marine fishes of the family Sciaenidae. 石首鱼一种相关的石首鱼科的海生鱼
- If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph,a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act. 机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
- If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act. 机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
- There are some fishing vessels in the harbor. 港湾里有许多渔船。
- Explain how the fishing moratorium would affect the market supply of marine fish during this period. 但系我就系到谂,,真系就咁答!?会唔会好少?
- The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat. 这艘摩托艇正在装备成渔船。
- An iridescent, silvery marine fish(Selene vomer) of Atlantic waters, having a compressed body and a steep frontal profile. 月鲹大西洋中生活的一种闪光的银色海鱼(月鲹月鲹属),身体扁,额部高