- marine current energy 海流能
- Tony Hayward, BP chief executive, yesterday said oil supply was exceeding current energy demand. 今年2月,油价曾跌至每桶32.;70美元的四年低位,致使财富从产油国向石油消费国转移。
- If China sticks to its current energy efficiency goals and growth rate, the consultancy McKinsey estimates that its emissions will double by 2030. 麦肯锡咨询公司预测,如果中国目前的能效目标和发展速度保持不变,其排放量将于2030年之前翻一番。
- Death Pact Signet: now resurrects party member with 15..100% Energy, instead of the caster's current Energy; The energy returned now scales based on your Restoration Magic. 死契纹章:此技能变更为复原魔法属性.;此技能变更为被复活的盟友将剩下15
- Such unfeasibility reflects the unreasonablity of current energy prices system in our country.The situation can be changed once the energy prices system turn to be rasonabilized. 目前天然气直燃式冷暖空调的冷热电联供改造方案的经济不可行性正反映了我国能源价格体系的不合理现状,但是一旦能源价格体系趋向合理化,这种不合理的情况立刻就会改变。
- The limits of the central transitional zone vary depending upon the relative influence of Pearl River water and marine currents. 中部过渡区则由珠江水与海流间的相对影响定下界线。
- The current energy humans run tend to be either pyramidal or box shaped geometry and often penetrates the etheric body in sticky cords of attachment that do not allow for sovereign energy flow. 人类所运作的当前能量,往往倾向于要么是金字塔形,要么是方盒形的几何形,并经常以粘滞连线刺穿以太体,这并不带来独立能量流。
- power generation technology of marine current 海流发电技术
- The challenges confronting the drive to electrify automobiles point to a big question underlying the current energy debate in America: How much faith should we have in technology to bail us out? 电动汽车面临的挑战也凸显了美国当前能源论战背后的一个大问题:我们应该在多大程度上相信科技能拯救我们?
- During the period of the work, surface roughness will be influenced by discharging current, which includes influencing on discharging current energy, width of current pulse and polarity of current. 在加工过程中,表面粗糙度会受到放电电流的影响,其中包括放电电流能量、电流脉冲宽度以及电流极性的影响。
- Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas. “碳税”是中国正在考虑要实行的市场机制之一,该机制的实行将提高现有包括汽油、电力、煤炭和天然气等在内的化石能源的价格。
- Makeup of the current energy laws and 现行能源法律法规框架的构成
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- 40 KW Tidal Current Energy Test Power Plant 使用海洋能发电的40千瓦潮流能实验电站
- Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。
- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。
- Long ago scientists knew that current was a form of energy. 很久以前科学家就知道电流是能的一种形式。
- The rocks are covered by marine plants. 岩石被海生植物所覆盖。
- Are there any other clauses in marine policies? 海运险还包括其它条款吗?
- This lesson pertains to marine animals. 这一课讲海洋动物。