- marine administrative power 海洋管辖权
- Administrative power must give an intervention to prevent the rumor message. 治理谣言短信,行政权必须通过多种途径介入。
- This paper introduces an approach to assess the benefit and quality of rnarlne surveil-lance by examining and self-examining the results in marine administrative management. 本文根据海洋监视可控度、海上管理目标实现情况及效益判断事项,分别建立了工作效益和工作质量评价的数学公式。
- The administrative power to one's discretion possesses its justification to exist and the necessity to control. 行政自由裁量权既有存在的合理性也有对其进行控制的必要性。
- This kind of behavior is the administrative power profit that uses pair of game essentially, increase player playtime. 这种行为实质上是利用对游戏的治理权利,增加游戏者游戏时间。
- To conform to the development trend on the socialization of administrative power,we should reconstruct the theory of our administrative subjects. 顺应行政权社会化的发展趋势,应当改造我国的行政主体理论,将行政主体分为国家行政主体和社会行政主体两类。
- Administrative mandatory regime constitutes the dispensable part of the administrative power to realize the administrative goals. 行政强制是实现行政目的的保障,是行政权的重要内容。
- Party School, asa main channes, main position, main force undertakes holy mission in buiding up study-typed society and strenghthening the Party's administrative power. 在新的世纪新的时期,在创建学习型社会、强党的执政能力建设中,党校肩负着发挥主渠道、阵地、力军作用的神圣使命。
- To use their administrative power, position or the advantage of their profession or any other illicit means to force, induce or restrict the insured to sign insurance contracts. 利用行政权力、职务或者职业便利以及其他不正当手段强迫、引诱或者限制投保人订立保险合同。
- The reform of socializing administrative power and privatizing public services urgently need to emphasize legislation and research of administrative delegation. 摘要行政权力社会化、公共服务民营化改革迫切需要加强行政授权的立法和研究。
- Discussion on Marine Administrative Sanction 论海洋行政处罚
- The justification for summary administrative powers is straightforward. 即决行政权的理由简单明了。
- It is the indistinction between Cishi's administerial authority and supervising authority that led to the entanglements in local administrative power subsequently. 并且正是刺史职能中行政权与监察权的未分化,才为后来地方治权的纠葛埋下了伏笔。
- In some cases administrative powers have been characterised as non-judicial. 在一些情况下,行政权力具有非司法性质的特点。
- The paper thinks that the ruling point of view on the scope and quality of abusing administrative power is untenable, being short of sufficient grounds to support it. 本文认为,学术界有关滥用职权的范围和性质的主流观点缺乏充分的论据支持,是不能成立的。
- Intellectual property containing administrative power has a special exclusiveness.Its exertion is extremely liable to deviate from the goal that the Antitrust Laws pursue. 知识产权是一种含行政力因子的财产权,具有特殊的排他性,其行使极易与反垄断法所追求的目标相背离。
- The second is to establish some new offices to facilitate the regional coordination, giving them the homologous administrative power, in three levels hereinbefore. 也可以不改变行政区划,只设立经济协调机构,赋予相应的权力。
- The Ministry and the departments thereunder shall perform duties and exercise administrative power in strict accordance with the statutory authority and procedures. 十七、民政部及各部门要严格按照法定权限和程序履行职责,行使行政权力。
- By taking advantage of their administrative power, the upper class try to dominate social resources by constraining the development of the new middle class. 通过利用其行政权力,上层阶级试图主导社会资源的限制发展的新中产阶级。
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。