- marginal wage cost 边际工资费用,边际工资成本
- Any increase in wage costs is bound to be passed on to the consumer. 任何工资成本提高必定转嫁到用户头上。
- Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year. 在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了 10%25。
- It can be assumed that the lower price segment will be served, at least in the next few years, by Chinese or Asian manufacturers, because of locational and wage cost advantages. 我们推测,由于地理位置和工资成本方面的优势,至少在未来数年内,来自中国或亚洲的生产商将会提供低价格的产品。
- Chrysler may be trying to push the CAW's wage costs below that of the UAW's. 克莱斯勒可能试图促使CAW的工资开支低于UAW的。
- The problem here is akin to that with relocation as a solu tion to wage costs. 这里的问题类似于以移转区位来解决工资成本的问题。
- Mercer said wage costs were only one factor that needed to be considered when deciding where to outsource operations. 美世表示,在决定将业务外包至何处时,工资成本只是其中的一个考虑因素。
- Were unit wage costs to rise too far, they could recover competitiveness more quickly. 如果单位工资成为上升够快,他们就能更快恢复竞争力。
- The traded value of the Deutschmark had not fallen to reflect the higher unit wage costs that were a legacy of the unification boom. 东西德统一带来的经济繁荣使德国单位工资成本较高,而德国马克的贸易值并未下降以反映这一点。
- Paradoxically, labor's woes likely will enable many firms to beat near-term earnings expectations, as wage costs dwindle or stagnate. 有讽刺意味的是,由于工资成本下降或停滞不前,工人的困境却可能让许多公司短期的收益超出预期。
- The worry that euro-zone countries such as Spain may suffer prolonged slumps because they lost control of unit wage costs lends the inflation test some weight, though not much. 因为西班牙等欧元区国家的单位工资成本已经失控,所以他们的经济低迷期将会延长的忧虑给通胀检测平添了不少负担,虽然也不算多。
- Even so, many companies profited by importing goods from foreign suppliers as world trade barriers fare fell and oil prices were low.But wage costs have risen in China. 即使这样,当世界贸易屏障降低,油价降低时,很多公司因为从外国供应商进口产品而获得利润。
- David Rosenberg of Merrill Lynch points out that there was a similar surge in unit wage costs at the end of 2000, on the eve of recession and big rate cuts. 美林银行的DavidRosenberg指出,在2000年底的衰退和大规模下调利率之前,也曾有过类似的单位工资成本大幅上扬。
- Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living. 增加的工资被上升的生活费用抵销。
- There was a nice red tick in the margin. 边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- She won by a comfortable margin. 她获胜成绩远远超过其他人。