- Marginal Utility Analysis of Transportation Production of Transportation Enterprise 交通运输企业运输生产的边际效用分析
- marginal utility analysis 边际效用分析
- Diminishing marginal utility also expresses a "variety is the spice of life". 边际效用递减也表现为一种“多样化是生活乐趣”。
- Economists have stated a general rule concerning marginal utility for an individual faced with a given budget constraint and given price. 经济学家对一个面临有限收入和一定价格的个人的边际效用,总结了一条一般的法则。
- Moreover, the syntax is like swimming theory, have not made the water, swimming is the theory of marginal utility. 而且,语法好比游泳理论,对於没有下过水的人来说,游泳理论是用处不大的。
- Marginal Utility The additional satisfaction obtained by a consumer from consuming one more unit of a good or service. 边际效用消费者使用多一个单位的产品或服务可带来的额外满足感。
- The theory of marginal utility was applied to production as well as to consumption. 边际效用理论被应用到生产及消费活动中。
- Nonuniqueness of utility representing a preference relation,no significance of utility and marginal utility. ordinal utility序数效用论与描述一个偏好的效用函数的非唯一性。
- The law of diminishing marginal utility is the foundation of utility theory of microeconomics.There are lots of disputes about it in academia. 摘要边际效用递减规律是微观经济学中效用理论的重要基础,但关于边际效用递减规律是否具有普遍性,当前学术界还存在不少争论。
- Some scholars gave some examples appearing to be increasing marginal utility to oppugn it.They deemed that there are some exceptions to the law. 不少学者举出一些疑似边际效用递增的例子对该规律进行质疑,认为它存在例外现象。
- Firstly, a novel concept of marginal utility of a subcarrier is developed, based on the interconversion of the subcarrier and power. 首先,根据子载波资源与功率资源之间的互换规律,提出子载波边际效用的概念以及快速计算方法。
- The loss-based marginal utility method and linear approximate programming approach are used to solve the loss constraint model. 损失约束模型应用基于损失边际效用排序的删除法与线性近似规划法求解。
- This leads us to focus on demandside drivers: marginal utility from performance improvements, consumer taste for quality, and the extent of consumer heterogeneity. 使得我们能着重于需方驱动力之上:即效能提高之边际利润分析工具,消费者对质量之要求,以及消费者分化程度等。
- Traditionally, the marginal utility of land utilization in that area was low. 当地主要是古海岸线构成的冈身及其以束地区,不适稻作,地利浇薄。
- The approach to address the budget constraint model is the budget-based marginal utility method and the generic iterative method (GIM) provided by Abdel-Malek. 预算约束模型参照基于预算边际效用删除法和一般迭代方法(GIM法)求解。
- Similarly to the traditional economics approach, the new "marginal utility" was defined as a generalized derivation in the partially ordered normed space. 与传统经济学将边际效用定义为数学分析中的导数类似地, 在泛系经济学中新的边际效用就是定义在赋半序范空间上的泛导(一种广义的导数)。
- The theory of marginal utility in microeconomics can not only interpret the issues in economy, but also can be employed in consumer's ad information search. 微观经济学中的边际效用理论不仅仅可以用于解释经济领域中的现象,对消费者广告信息的搜寻也具有普遍的适用性。
- Medical resource utilization analysis showed that medical resource use for XELODA was reduced as compared to intravenous 5-FU/LV. 医疗资源使用分析显示希罗达的医疗资源使用与静脉推注5-FU/LV在治疗结肠癌患者相比是有所降低的。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886),which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉·斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886, which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉 斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值