- mapping without ground control 无控制测图
- Airborne 3D imager which integrates global positioning system, attitude measurement unit, scanning laser range finder and spectral imager can produce geo-referenced image and digital terrain models (DTM) without ground control points. 机载三维成像仪是集成了全球定位系统 (GPS)、姿态测量装置、激光测距仪和光谱成像仪的新一代航空遥感系统 ,它能直接得到地学编码影像和数字地面模型 (DTM) ,而无需地面控制点。
- Satellite Photogrammetry Without Ground Control Point 无地面控制点卫星摄影测量
- GPS-supported Bundle Block Adjustment Without Ground Control Points 无地面控制GPS辅助光束法区域网平差
- Fundamental Geospatial Data Updating Approach without Ground Control Points 无像控基础地理空间数据更新方法
- Elevation error estimation of satellite photogrammetry without ground control point 无地面控制点卫星摄影测量高程误差估算
- Quality Assessment of Classification and Cluster Maps Without Ground Truth Knowledge 在没有地面知识情况下分类和簇图的量化评估
- The Armory also expands your ground control. 军械库同时也能扩展建造范围。
- Will there be any maps without water in RA3? RA3中会有无水的地图吗?
- The plane made contact with the ground control centre by wireless. 飞机通过无线电地面控制塔保持联系。
- To Illy's ground control team, this was the problem. 以意利的地面控制小组,这是问题。
- But then the ground control heard the voices of the astronauts. 但随后地面控制中心响起了宇航员的声音。
- Members of parliament, even those from Mr Sarkozy's party, have been fiercely critical of Ms Dati's plans too, accusing her of striking courts off the map without consultation. 议会议员尖刻地批评了Dati的改革计划,批评者中甚至包括萨科齐一派的议员,他们指责Dati经协商就关闭法院的行为是违法的。
- Try hard to reduce and even shake off the dependent of ground control points involved in photogrammetric mapping has been the important subject of extensive research over the past time. 尽量减少乃至摆脱对野外控制点的依赖,是摄影测量的重要研究课题。
- Ground control to Eastern Seventeen," a controller intoned. 一个管制员喃喃呼叫:“地面管制呼叫东方十七。”
- In team-based matches, allied players now share Ground control, allowing them to build structures in each others'bases. 组队战中盟友可以共享建筑范围并且可以在盟友基地里建造。
- After processing by this machine, the surface of stone is smooth, can polish directly without grinding. 经本机加工后的型面非常光整,不必再磨光,可以直接进入抛光工序。
- One scene of ERS-2 SLC imagery was selected as major test data and Ground Control Points (GCP) were manually collected. 从中选择了一景ERS-2 SLC数据作为主要实验数据,并手工采集了控制点。
- Unlike conventional performance models, the mathematical model encapsulates the differences between LANs into five mappings without ignoring any details of real systems. 与传统的性能模型不同,该数学模型把各种局网的差异隐蔽在5个映射之中,没有排斥实际系统中的任何细节。
- Middling ore regrinding,leaching,without grinding be compared,we find the middling ore leaching is the best. 比较了中矿不磨、再磨再选和中矿浸出三种方案,其中以中矿浸出效果最好。