- Defines browser side image map elements. 定义浏览器边图象映像元素。
- Defines server side image map elements. 定义服务器边图象映像元素。
- Contained within the same map element. 元素中可包含任意多个?
- To map elements, drag the elements from the tree onto your worksheet. 若要映射元素,请将元素从树拖动到工作表上。
- By specializing the map elements, you can define a formal information architecture for your deliverables. 通过专门化映射元素,您可以为自己的交付品定义正式的信息体系结构。
- A MAP element contains a set of AREA elements defining the linking regions in the image. 包含客户端图像映射的坐标数据。就是带有预先定义区域的图像,这些区域包含了指向其它文档或锚的链接。
- In this "Import" XML map, don't map elements to the cells that contain formulas or other data that you don't want overwritten. 在此“导入”XML映射中,如果不想覆盖单元格中所包含的公式或其他数据,请不要将元素映射到这些单元格。
- Map elements are used to convert the data format between different structures, for example, whenever the data formats between consecutive elements are incompatible. 映射元素用来在不同的结构之间转换数据格式,例如,无论什么时候,在连续的元素之间数据格式都是不相容的。
- It creates links from the image map to individual images of the planets using the AREA element with the MAP element, COORDS value, and SHAPE attribute. 该代码在MAP元素中使用AREA元素及其COORDS值和SHAPE标签属性创建了由图象映射指向单个行星图像的链接。
- The Mapping element is used to specify a field mapping. Mapping元素用于指定字段映射。
- Because every map element solely correlates a second characteristic value, the map element can be expressed as a generalized isoline or isoplane of second characteristic value. 由于每一种地图要素唯一关联着一个第二特征值,因而地图要素可以表示为第二特征值的泛等值线或泛等值面。
- After transformation of the data model and processing of the thematic mapping elements, the paper constructs a mapping system of the seabed sediment thematic digital map. 经过对数据模型的转换以及专题制图要素的处理,建立了海洋底质专题数字图成图系统。
- To specify a mapping between a work item field and a project column, use the Mapping element. 要指定工作项字段与项目列之间的映射,请使用Mapping元素。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地图平铺在地上。
- Controls by mapping an XML schema to your document; the host controls are created automatically for each mapped element. 控件;宿主控件是自动为每个映射的元素创建的。
- The road we should take is marked on the map. 我们要走的路已经标在地图上了。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- I found this old map in the family archives. 我在家谱中发现了这幅旧地图。