- Such a name will not serve much purpose,will it? 取名取到这样,也真是将汉字以形表意的特点发挥到极致了。
- Such a name will not serve much purpose, will it? 取名取到这样,也真是将汉字以形表意的特点发挥到极致了。
- This tool serves for many purposes. 这工具有多种用处。
- Human form serves many purposes within the Tao. 人类形体服务于道内许多意图。
- The Masters Conclave event serves many purposes. 大师密会服务于许多目标。
- It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes. 这是一项适用于多方面需要的精心完成的设计。
- That implement is useful for many purposes in the kitchen. 那种工具在厨房里有许多用途。
- The water supply is adequate for many purposes and for many regions. 水源对许多目的和许多地区都有用。
- These underground tunnels have served many purposes through the years. 这些地道长久以来有许多不同的用途。
- They move about listlessly and apparently without much purpose; they might just as well be lunatics. 他们坐卧不宁地动来动去显然毫无目的,说他们是一群疯子也并不过分。
- Tesa 4252 is used for most purpose of electrical insulation as join and protection. 德莎4252适合于诸如连接及保护等大部他绝缘方面的应用。
- They move about listlessly and apparently without much purpose;they might just as well be lunatics. 他们坐卧不宁地动来动去显然毫无目的,说他们是一群疯子也并不过分。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- For many purposes, "money in the bank" is money in its most convenient form. “银行的钱”由于用途广泛,所以是最方便的钱。
- The Magpies came out for the second half with more purpose and Lee Bowyer saw his 55th-minute drilled effort pushed around the post by United keeper Edwin van der Sar. 喜鹊中场休息回来后变得更有想法,李.;鲍耶55分钟的力射被曼联门将范德萨化解。
- For many purposes, doing version tracking at the granularity of an entire ontology is not enough. 为了达到许多目的,仅做版本跟踪整个本体的粒度是不够的。
- For many purposes all these persons, the miller and baker inclusive, must be placed in the same class with ploughmen and reapers. 为了许多目的,所有这些人,包括磨坊主和面包师傅在内,应归类于耕作者和收割者之列。
- Letters sere many purposes: adising clients, seeking compliance, sending documents, obtaining information. 撰写信函有很多目的:给客户提供建议,寻求妥协,发送文件,获取信息。
- Let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for. 让回收纸张用在他们更适合的地方吧。
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。