- All that happened many moons ago. 那一切都发生在很久以前。
- I weighed no more than him myself at that age,but that was many moons ago. 我自己在那个年龄时体重是决超不过他的,不过那已是很久以前的事了。
- I weighed no more than him myself at that age, but that was many moons ago. 我自己在那个年龄时体重是决超不过他的,不过那已是很久以前的事了。
- My father-in-law introduced this book to me when he purchased it for my stepdaughter many moons ago. 在很多年前当我的公公把这本书买给我的继女的同时,也把这本书介绍给了我。
- How many moons does Jupiter have? 木星有多少卫星?
- many moons ago 好几个月以前
- How many moons has the planet Jupiter? 木星有几个卫星?
- How many moons does jupiter have ? 木星有多少卫星?
- How many moons does our planet have? 我们的星球上有多少个月亮?
- From this hill I have watched many moon rises. 从这座小山上,我已观看过多次的月出。
- Five years ago two of us whiled away a cloudy night on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii by placing bets on how many moons remained to be discovered in the solar system. 约莫五年前的一个多云夜里,杰维特与谢柏德在夏威夷茂纳开亚火山的山巅上,为消磨时间而打了个赌,赌这太阳系里还有多少颗卫星没被发现。
- Meanwhile, Michael Finley (35) hasn't played adequate defense in many moons. 与此同时,芬利(35岁)还没有充分发挥他的防守。
- The Chinese audience would love the movie which stunning scene of Nicole Kidman in beautiful red Cheongsam will be remembered for many moons to come. 中国人会爱上这部电影,特别是女主角妮歌洁曼穿着红旗袍的极其出色镜头,许多月圆过后还会念念不忘的。
- United States astronauts made five more moon landings in the next three years. 在以后三年中,美国宇航员又五次登上月球。
- "Many a moon ago, I was the best tennis player in my country." "很久以前,我在我国是最好的网球选手。"
- The question was first mooted many years ago. 这个问题是许多年前就提出的。
- This "ring plane crossing" occurs every 14-15 years.In 1995-96 Hubble witnessed the ring plane crossing event, as well as many moon transits, and even helped discovers everal new moons of Saturn. 更远的左边的土星环上方,是明亮的土卫四狄俄涅和昏暗的土卫二恩克拉多斯(土星的卫星基本都是神话中的巨人啊,本文说的就是这4个卫星,注意后面的图上的黑点是阴影)。
- If irregular moons were originally equally likely to be either prograde or retrograde, this resonance could explain why most moons are now retrograde. 若顺行与逆行的不规则卫星数量原本是平均分布的话,那麽此共振态便可以解释为什麽现在大部份的不规则卫星都是逆行的。
- Andrew was a famous animator many years ago. 很多年前安德鲁是个著名的卡通片绘制者。
- The flumes were built many years ago. 这些引水槽是很多年以前建造的。