- manway (坑道里的)人行走道
- 矿工手放在前面,从狭窄的坑道里爬了出来.The miner crossed through the narrow tunnel, hands in front.
- 矿工手放在前面,从狭窄的坑道里爬了出来。The miner crossed through the narrow tunnel, hands in front.
- [谚]住在森林里的人不怕猫头鹰;深知事情真相就不会大惊小怪。One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls.
- 他从头到脚全是煤灰,就象一个矿工刚从坑道里出来一样。He was covered from head to toe in coal dust, like a miner coming up from the pit.
- 壶里的水开了。The kettle is boiling.
- 矿工们被困在坍塌的坑道里一个多星期才得到营救。The miners were rescued after they had held out in the collapsed tunnel for more than one week.
- 她在议会里的发言被报纸歪曲了。Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers.
- 粘液瘤一种良性肿瘤,最常见于心脏,它由黏液里的胶状结缔组织构成A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, that is composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.
- 他从头到脚全是煤灰,就象一个矿工刚从坑道里出来一样。He was covered from head to toe in coal dust, like a miner coming up from the pit.
- 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably.
- 垛里的谷子发霉了。The grain has gone mouldy in the stack.
- 他轻轻地将烟斗里的烟灰敲出来。He tapped the ashes out of his pipe.
- 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory.
- 办公室里的文件杂乱无章。The papers in the office were all jumbled up.
- 花瓶里的花朵枯萎了。The flowers in the vase withered.
- 考虑到你在过去一年里的成就不大,你还是放弃唱歌好了。For all the improvement you've made in the past year, you might as well give up singing.
- 她把照相机对准笼子里的熊猫。She trained her camera on the caged panda.
- 我们听到邻近树林里的鸟鸣声。We heard bird calls from the neighboring woods.
- 花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.