- The manufacturing sector remains export-oriented. 制造业仍然以出口为主。
- This diversity underlines the dynamism of our manufacturing sector. 产品如此多元化,正好显示出香港制造业活力充沛,积极求进。
- A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy. 制造业规模太小有碍经济增长。
- About 7.7 per cent worked in the manufacturing sector. 从事制造业的人士约占7.;7%25。
- Much of the monetary stimulus is aimed at the manufacturing sector. 许多货币激励措施瞄准的都是制造业。
- He later moved to manufacturing sector before joining UIC. 在参加UIC前任职于工业性企业 .
- The manufacturing sector is dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 本港的制造业机构以中小型企业为主。
- Chart 2 shows the breakdown of employment within the manufacturing sector in 2001. 二零零一年制造业雇员人数的分项数字载于图2。
- Continued development of the manufacturing sector must be a matter of priority for our community as well as Government. 推动制造业持续发展,是本港社会和政府的要务。
- Electronic goods make up about 70% of non-oil domestic exports and about 45% of manufacturing sector. 而电子产品占非石油国内出口的七成,制造业的45%25。
- The Industrial Support Fund finances projects of benefit to the manufacturing sector. 工业支援基金资助有利制造业发展的计划;
- The clothing industry was the largest export-earner in the manufacturing sector, followed by the electronics industry. 制衣业是制造业中出口收益最多的行业,其次是电子业。
- You have done a fine job,and have exemplified the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of our manufacturing sector. 你们表现卓越,充分显示出本港制造业的创新意念和积极进取精神。
- The clothing industry was the largest export-earner in the manufacturing sector,followed by the electronics industry. 制衣业是制造业中出口收益最多的行业,其次是电子业。
- In spite of the structural change,the manufacturing sector remained an important sector of the economy. 虽然结构转变了,不过,制造业仍然是本港经济的重要支柱。
- Retain Import,a leading indicator (usually about three months) for the manufacturing sector,is still down. 作为制造业领先指标(通常是三个月)的保留进口,目前仍处在下跌状态。
- The industry constitutes 21.8 per cent of all manufacturing establishments and 18 per cent of employment in the manufacturing sector. 本港印刷厂的数目占制造业工厂总数的21.;8%25,雇用人数则占制造业雇员总人数的18%25。
- This instinct would have spared us the rush in switching to the biochemical industry when the manufacturing sector went into decline. 这样一来,才不会在制造业不景气乃至没落时才匆匆忙忙追逐生化。
- Do Technological Improvements in the Manufacturing Sector Raise or Lower Employment? By: Yongsung Chang and Jay H. 制造业的技术进步会提高还是降低就业率?
- The average daily wage was 327 US 42 for craftsmen and operatives in the manufacturing sector. 制造业技工及操作工人的平均日薪为327元42美元。