- Of manufacturing in a rough way and massive production; making fake, cheap quality imitation printing, we certainly need say no more. 粗制滥造、假冒伪劣的印刷品,固然不必多说。
- Of manufacturing in a rough way and massive production; making fake, cheap quality imitation printing, we certainly.need say no more. 粗制滥造、假冒伪劣的印刷品,固然不必多说。
- And, the content manufacture in a rough way that majority him netizen uploads, pilfer edition is fascicular. 而且,绝大部分网友自己上传的内容粗制滥造,盗版丛生。
- To treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse. 虐待以粗暴或野蛮的方式对待;虐待
- Some TV plays are made in a rough and slipshod way. (有些电视剧是粗制滥造的。)
- It is not few of sword without being forged or incerted.Even in Qing troops, there are still a large number of sword manufactured in a rough and slipshod way. 没有折叠锻打和嵌钢的刀不在少数,即使是清代的军队配制仍有相当粗制滥造或用类似现代模锻方式制的。
- The steamer pitched and rolled in a rough sea . 这轮船在风暴大作的海中前后左右地颠簸。
- The steamer pitched and rolled in a rough sea. 这轮船在风暴大作的海中前后左右地颠簸。
- They live in a rough part of town. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。
- He grew up in a rough neighborhood. 他在很艰苦的环境中长大。
- Most contemporary books give the impression of having been manufactured in a day, out of books read the day before. 大部分的当代书籍给人的印象是:是刚从前一天阅读过的书籍里以一天时间赶制出来的。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
- They dealt with the problem in a purposeful way. 他们处理这问题很果断。
- In a rough pet hospital a sick dog is taking an injection. 贵州贵阳在一家宠物医院里。
- Her hair was done up in a very funny way. 她的头发非常滑稽地盘在头上。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。