- manual reset safety control 手动重调保安控制
- This water heater is equipped with one or more adjustable temperature regulating thermostats and a manual reset high limit control. 本热水器配置一个以上的可调节温度控制器和一个人工重置高温限制控制器。
- Conceptual documentation for the use and features of manual reset events. 有关手动重置事件的用法和功能,请参见。
- Safety control mechanism for building structure. 建筑结构安全控制机制。短句来源。
- It also offers auxiliary control input, a supervised emergency release input with a choice of nonlatching or latching contact with manual reset capability, and LED status indicator. 它还提供辅助控制输入, 选择没有闭锁或闭锁与手动复位功能的监管紧急释放输入,以及LED状态指示器。
- Class can represent either automatic or manual reset events and either local events or named system events. 类可以表示自动或手动重置事件以及本地事件或命名系统事件。
- Safety control system for production of Chengdao Oilfield. 埕岛油田油水井安全控制系统。
- This makes the manual reset event an ideal way to hold up threads that need to wait until one thread finishes a task. 这使得手动重置事件成了阻止在某一线程完成任务之前需等待的线程的理想方式。
- The safety control system in the building indicators can not break. 本报讯今年建设系统安全生产的控制指标不能突破。
- NOTE; A TEMPERATURE LIMITER may be of the automatic reset or of the manual reset type. 同以上看来,限温器还是有“自动复位”或“手动复位”的。
- Method, threads that wait on the event handle proceed immediately without blocking. A manual reset event acts like the gate of a corral. 方法便可以重置它,从而使在该事件句柄上等待的线程立即继续而不受阻止。
- The 113-6RFP is equipped with manual reset to restore flow after the RPZ is repaired by the building maintenance engineer or backflow technician. 在减压区被建筑维护工程师或防倒流技术人员修好后,113-6RFP配置手动重新设置装置以恢复流量。
- This system is possible to deploy onto the ROV to have an extra safety control. 文中将分别对于传感器的特性,水声频响的选择以波浪之影响分别加以说明。
- Unique emergency call function, but also delivers a safety control for us. 独特的紧急呼叫功能,还为我们送上一份安全保障。
- This water heater is equipped with one adjustable temperature regulating thermostat and a manual reset high limit control. The following procedure must be performed when resetting the high limit control. 本热水器配置一个可调节温度的调节温控器和手动重置高温限制控制装置。在重置高温限制控制装置时请按照下列步骤进行。
- If the value is set to zero (0) the game will run until you manually reset it. 如果该值设置为0,游戏将一直运行到你手动重新开始为止。
- We conduct risk assessment on food safety, set food standards and recommend food safety control measures. 本署就食物安全进行风险评估,厘定食物安全标准,并建议食物安全管制的措施。
- It forms the basis of risk communication and management in a risk-based food safety control model. 在以风险评估为本的食物安全管制模式中,风险传达和处理是根据风险评估来进行。
- It forms the basis of risk communication and risk management in a risk-based food safety control model. 在以风险为本的食物安全管制模式中,风险传达和风险处理是根据风险评估来进行。
- Comment:Customer is satisfied with our PURE-SOLV system in terms of the performance and the safety control. 客户意见:无论于系统表现及安全装置上,客户对我们的PURE-SOLV系统都感到满意。