- manual print mode 手动打印式
- Print Mode: 9-pin CITIZEN dot matix printer head. 列印方式:9针点矩阵撞击式。
- Set the print mode to suit either binary data (such as graphical information) or text. Subsequent print commands will use the currently set print mode. 设定打印模式以适应二进制数据(例如图形信息)或文本,这样后续的打印命令皆使用当前设好的打印模式。
- Dongguan Printing Factory is a printing enterprise that integrates...Its business covers manual printing, self-adhe... 东莞印刷厂|东莞印刷|东莞市印刷厂|东莞市印刷-...
- The advantages and drawbacks of the traditional manual printing of Chinese blue calico are discussed, along with the features of its color, process, design and material. 分析了我国蓝印花布的传统手工印染工艺的优点与不足,归纳了蓝印花布的色彩、工艺、图案、原料4个方面的主要优势特征。
- This printing mode is to bring to a new world the map printing and the map storing. 这种出版模式将把地图的出版、储存带入一个新天地。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- In an era of highly developed printing and public communication, its most popular printing mode and spreading method have been just “typing” and “mimeograph” in almost 30 years! 在柯式印刷、公众传播高度发达的年代,在近30年历史的大部分年头里,它最流行的印刷方式和传播手段,竟是““打字””和和““油印”!
- Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。
- The march of time leaves its print on all of us. 时光的流逝会给我们每个人都打下印记。
- Use of UV offset printing mode business card printing and membership card when making plastic, corrosionproof, innovativeink, block, blanket and equipment have certain requirements. 拔取UV胶印方法制卡和会员卡制作塑料片材时,差油不朱、印版、橡皮布和摆设也有必定的请求。
- This manual is full of useful tips. 这本小册子里有很多实用的小建议。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Headlines are written in large print. 标题是用大号字体印刷的。
- I can't read small print without my glasses. 我不戴眼镜看不清小字体。
- I will print in the missing manes for you. 我会帮你把漏掉的名字加进去的。
- We should not look down on manual labor. 我们不应该轻视体力劳动。
- The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。