- manpower visual interpretation 目视解译
- In my visual interpretation of Angela and the Baby Jesus, I wanted to tap into Frank McCourt's sophisticated blend of gritty realism and subtle humor. 及相关之科释义解,辅以梁昭明太子三十二分为科目,再于每分设立简明的标题,切入每分的中心思想,并做白话泽述、原典标点、名相注解等释义。
- The wave snapshots at different time, which gave a visual interpretation of propagation of wave in the pile, were obtained. 绘制了不同时刻的波场图,直观地反映了波在桩中的传播规律。
- The method and work proceedings of dynamic monitoring soil erosion are expounded supported by remote sensing and GIS through visual interpretation at scale of nation. 本文阐述了在遥感和GIS技术支持下采用人机交互判读分析进行全国土壤侵蚀动态监测的方法和工作程序。
- Visual Interpretation Method on Image 遥感影像目视解译方法
- three-dimensional visual interpretation 三维可视化
- the buildingup of visual interpretation symbol 目视判读解译标志
- remote sensing visual interpretation 遥感目视判读
- I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower. 我怀疑他们是否真有足够的人力。
- Visual Interpretation Difficulty Analysis for TM Image Land Use Classification TM卫星影像图目视判读的难点及解决方法
- There's not enough qualified manpower to staff all the hospitals. 缺乏足够的合格人员充实各医院。
- Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。
- I found no evidence to back your interpretation. 我找不到证据来支持你的解释。
- She interpret his silence as arrogance. 她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。
- The civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth. 内战耗尽了国家的人力和财富。
- Several notable issues on visual interpretation of remote sensing image 遥感图像目视解译值得注意的几个问题
- I didn't presume to interpret it. 我不敢对这一点妄加解释。
- Will you please interpret for me? 请你为我翻译一下好吗?
- This project tied up a great deal of manpower. 这项工程占用了大量人力。
- Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。