- It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest. 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地,
- We should give credit to this mangrove forest. 应该也都是红树林的功劳吧。
- We're going to take a tour of the mangrove forest. 我们当然是要去红树林里转一圈了。
- This mangrove forest is a large ecosystem. 这红树林就是一个大型的生态系统。
- Then we should go to the Yunxiao Mangrove Forest. 那就去趟云霄红树林吧。
- Han Jia, why are there so many birds in this mangrove forest? 韩佳,这红树林的鸟怎么会这么多呀?
- This mangrove forest is one of the largest in China. 这片红树林的面积在中国名列前茅。
- Is this mangrove forest very attractive to these birds? 难道红树林对鸟类的吸引力也很大吗?
- The dike that is protected by Mangrove forest is impregnable! 红树林防护的堤坝,固若金汤!
- Many consider this the most beautiful mangrove forest in all Thailand. 许多人认为这里是全泰国最美丽的红树林了。
- A collared kingfisher preens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh. 一只白领翡翠鸟在孟加拉国巽达班斯红树林里整理羽毛。
- After transfering to the canoes you paddle through the mangrove forest to get a close up view of this unique eco-system. 在登上独木舟后,划动您手中的船桨,经过红树林,您就能让自己置身于此独特的生态环境中。
- It contains the world's largest area of mangrove forests. 这里有世界上最大的红树林地区。
- Recovery teams Monday are using machetes and chain saws to hack through the dense mangrove forest to reach the wreckage and search for bodies. 救援人员星期一用砍刀和链锯在浓密的红树林中开出一条通道,到达坠机残骸现场搜寻遇难者遗体。
- The main plants in the Mangrove Forest are Chandelier, Sea Bishop Wood, five pears stylus, and Lumnitzera. 红树林的主要植物有四种,水笔仔、海茄冬、五梨跤、和榄李。
- The floristical tropical characteristics of the northern edge of the mangrove forest is disscused here too. 探讨该植物区系热带北缘特性及其与周边地区的联系;
- Clearance work to make way for pipelines was decimating the world's third-largest mangrove forest. 为铺设管道而开展的清理工作毁灭了世界第三大的红树林。
- Walk on one of the jungle trails and study the coastal dipterocarp forest and mangrove forest. 抵达后,咱们沿著一森林步道了解海岸常绿乔木林以及红树林。
- In many islands, cacti and prickly bushes replaced the shore arid zone mangrove forest. 在许多的岛屿上,仙人掌和多刺灌木干旱区取代了岸边的红树林区。
- The Zhangjiang Estuary National Nature Reserve has 167 ha of natural mangrove forest, which is the largest area in Fujian Province. 漳江口国家级自然保护区拥有167公顷天然红树林,面积在福建省首屈一指,潮间带滩涂与河道养育了各式各样的野生生物。