- Effect of Various Sea Water Salinity on the Metamorphosis of Mangrove Crab Larvae 不同盐度海水对锯缘青蟹幼蟹生长变态的影响
- mangrove crabn. 锯缘青蟹
- A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling. 我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。
- It was his misfortune to catch a crab in the last spurt. 他真倒霉,到了最后一刹那竟有一桨没划好。
- A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed. 退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上。
- It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest. 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地,
- We should give credit to this mangrove forest. 应该也都是红树林的功劳吧。
- They have shrimp, lobster, crab, fish... 他们有小虾,龙虾,蟹,还有鱼类,
- We're going to take a tour of the mangrove forest. 我们当然是要去红树林里转一圈了。
- This mangrove forest is a large ecosystem. 这红树林就是一个大型的生态系统。
- A crab nipped my toe while I was swimming . 我游泳时,一只螃蟹钳住了我的脚指头。
- And mangrove trees have many uses. 而且红树林的用途还非常多。
- We'll cross the green crab off the bill. 我们会在您的帐单上删除这道菜的费用。
- A mangrove seed does not fall off directly. 红树的种子不是直接掉落的。
- Then we should go to the Yunxiao Mangrove Forest. 那就去趟云霄红树林吧。
- All the shops on the seafront had crab for sale. 海滨地区的全部商店都出售蟹。
- Can a mangrove tree also become pregnant? 难道红树也会怀胎吗?
- A raccoon is many times as big as a crab. 浣熊要比螃蟹大上好几倍。
- Its remnants form the Crab Nebula. 它的残余物组成了蟹状星云。
- Marine Mangrove Fungus Paecilomyces sp. 红树林共生菌