- Jockeys maneuvering for position. 使用手段而取得优势
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步
- They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。
- He patterns himself upon his father. 他模仿父亲。
- maneuvering patterns 运行方式
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。
- The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。
- An open, crisscross pattern or weave. 格子细工开放式交叉结构或编织法
- So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern. 纯粹地符合类型、标准或模式地
- Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress. 玛丽按照纸样缝制她的新衣服。
- Improved skill at maneuvering a spaceship. 关于提高飞船的机动技术。每级技能增加飞船最大速度5%25
- I don't like the pattern on the fabric. 我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
- His speech followed the usual pattern. 他按照通常的方式讲话。
- Evaded! That's some crazy maneuvering! 回避!这机动!简直疯了!
- Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern. 我这件大衣请你照这个式样裁剪。
- The two buildings are modeled after the same pattern. 这两座建筑是按照同一模式建造的。
- We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can. 我们最好尽可能多背句型。
- Look what pretty patterns Jack Frost has painted on the windows. 瞧霜大哥在窗户上绘制了多麽美丽的图案。