- mandibular seta (昆虫)上颚刚毛
- (=mandibular plane) 下颌平面Mand.P.
- primary seta(鳞翅目幼虫)原生刚毛
- 目的 确定下颌功能性移位(Mandibular functional shift MFS)在前牙反?诊断中的意义。Objective To investigate the significance of mandibular functional shift ( MFS) in diagnosis of anterior crossbite.
- 这种昆虫能随环境而变色。The insect can take on the color of its surroundings.
- 有些昆虫极像叶子。There are insects which mimic leaves.
- 除MIH外,CHH家族神经肽还包括高血糖激素、性腺抑制激素(Gonad-inhibiting hormone,GIH)和大颚器官抑制激素(Mandibular organ-inhibiting hormone,MOIH)。It is a neuropeptide member belonging to the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) neuropeptide family.
- 蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫。The ant is a social insect.
- 蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫。The bee is a diligent insect.
- 水塘四周有小昆虫。There are gnats around the pond.
- 翅脉昆虫的翅脉或翅纹A vein or rib in the wing of an insect.
- 蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。The butterfly is an innocent insect.
- 跳蚤是很小的昆虫。Fleas are tiny insects.
- 当心,这昆虫有刺。Be careful. The insect has stings.
- 昆虫以产卵繁殖后代。Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs.
- 蚂蚁与蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫。Ants and bees are laborious insects.
- 蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。The spider can catch insects by cobweb.
- (昆虫)暂时上颚provisional mandibles
- 昆虫是有节的动物。Insects are articulate animals.
- 昆虫下颚的顶点The apex of the insect maxilla.