- mandate of auditor general 审计长的使命
- Match black Terminator accepted the mandate of foreign stars! 火柴小黑接受了歼灭外星体的任务!
- The government got its way and a neutered report appeared that took out the auditor general's criticisms and much else. 政府得以逃脱责任;调查报告中去掉了总审计长的抨击性意见和其他批评,成了温吞水。
- The Secretariat informed the Committee that the proposed Financial Regulations and Rules, regarding the mandate of the External Auditor, have been based on the said INTOSAI document. 秘书处向委员会通报,拟议的《财务条例与细则》中关于外聘审计员任务授权的部分,即基于所述的INTOSAI文件。
- It therefore urged the Assemblies to renew the mandate of the PCDA to enable the Committee to effectively complete the tasks given to it by the General Assembly. 因此,该代表团要求大会延长PCDA的任务授权,使该委员会能够有效完成大会布置的任务。
- Certification of auditor of Environment Management System( ISO14000). 环境管理体系审核员(SO14000)训合格证书,注册实习审核员资格。
- Are your books regularly audited? Give the Name and Address of Auditor. 您的上述帐册是否定期审计?请提供审计师姓名及地址。
- Certification of auditor of Environment Management System (ISO14000). 环境管理体系审核员(ISO14000)培训合格证书,注册实习审核员资格。
- The Delegation complimented Ambassador Manalo for providing Member States with a comprehensive document on the various clusters, in conformity with the mandate of the General Assembly. 该代表团赞扬Manalo大使按照大会的授权向成员国提供的有关各提案集的全面文件。
- The auditor began the examination of accounts. 稽核员开始审察帐务。
- A traveler told me that the Ironfists of Enroth have lost the mandate of heaven. 一位旅行者告诉我,恩洛思的铁拳王朝失去了天堂之令。
- Party A shall be liable for the increase of auditor days and expenses resulting from causes of its own. 由于甲方造成审核人日或费用的增加,其增加部分的责任应由甲方承担;
- In the Delegation's view, WIPO, within its competence and mandate of course, had to focus on IPR matters. 该代表团认为,WIPO应该在其能力和职责范围之内关注知识产权问题。
- This person entwine he, babble ground harangues some of gibberish, right of auditor impatient be without reaction. 此人缠住他,喋喋不休地高谈阔论些废话,并对听者的不耐烦毫无反应。
- Preparing an initial working document in accordance with the mandate of the 2006. Manalo大使根据2006年大会的授权准备最初工作文件时所做的出色工作。
- The Office of the Auditor General 其执行机构为审计总署
- The EFIL continues to consider further opportunities for the disposal of shares while bearing in mind its mandate of minimising disruption to the market. 外汇基金投资公司会继续研究其他出售股份的方法,并会紧记须尽可能减低对市场造成的干扰。
- The Delegation also endorsed the proposal to extend the mandate of the Working Group to continue its work. 该代表团也支持关于延长工作组的任务授权使其继续工作的提案。
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada 加拿大审计长公署
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。