- Critical path and critical activities: time management principles. 关键路径与关键作业的权衡之道:时间管理法则。
- Furthermore, trading discipline and sound money management principles should always be used when trading. 此外,在交易过程中应该运用交易自律和合理的货币管理原则。
- Certain management principles that are applicable now are even more necessary for survival and success in the twenty-first century. 现在所运用的一些管理原则甚至对二十一世纪的生存和成功是更为重要的。
- Develops correct policies and procedures to ensure compliance with quality management principles and practices. 制定正确的政策流程以确保其同质量管理原则、实际相一致;
- This Position requires a high knowledge of Warehouse Management principles, purchasing and logistic practices within the chemical industry. 具有化工行业库管、采购或物流相关知识从优。
- The goal will be to develop a forum for delivery of Chinese research results and accepted range management principles to farmers and herders. 本项目的目标是为了建立一个推广中国的研究成果的论坛,把草地管理原理和技术推广到农牧民中。
- The Group has studied different supervisory issues of e-banking, such as cross-border issues and risk management principles for e-banking services. 该小组已研究了的电子银行涉及的监管问题,包括电子银行服务的跨境问题及风险管理原则。
- Customer satisfaction is we biggest pursue, insisted that provides the high quality for the customer the furniture is one of our management principles. 客户满意是我们最大的追求,坚持为顾客提供高品质的家具是我们的经营原则之一。
- And the worse is it contain lots of introductory di script ion about Vanke's management principles which is unpractical to the readers. 而且很多关于万科管理方面的内容重复,冠冕而不实。
- Based on the management principles of beinghonest and trusty, we wholeheartedly provide consumers products with low price and high quality. 我们本着诚实重信的经营原则,竭诚为消费者提供价廉质优的产品。
- Two sales groups were cited last week by their respective states for commitment and implementation of quality management principles and strong business results. 两个销售小组由于在质量管理方面的追求与实施以及经营业绩而在上个星期分别受到它们所在州的表彰。
- The Eight quality management principles is a summary on the quality management practice experience and its theory. It is also the basis of 2000 edition ISO9000 standard. 八项质量管理原则是质量管理实践经验和理论的总结;是2000版ISO9000族标准的理论基础.
- See European Committee for Banking Standards(ECBS),Security Guidelines for E-banking:Application of Basle Risk Management Principles,TR411 Version2,August,2004. 三方面的划分不是绝对的;如同实践中各类风险错综复杂、相互交织一样;各项原则在内容上亦可能重叠.
- This paper follows the research by Anderson and Morrice in 2000.They designed a simulation game to teach service-oriented supply chain management principles. Anderson &Morrice在2000年的构造了一个模拟游戏方便教学,对服务业供应链的研究具有重大意义。
- This course focuses on the Toyota's Management Principle and Philosophy rather than the TPS tools. 本课程不专注于TPS工具,而专注于工具背后的企业流程及组织管理能力。
- Management principle: "Best quality at competitive price and circumspect service". Excel in establishing everlasting cooperation. 经营原则:"质优价廉、服务至上"。愿与广大客户建立永续的合作关系,共创美好的明天。
- To add value to the organization from management review, top management should control the performance of realization and support processes by systematic review based on the quality management principles. 为使管理评审给组织带来增值,最高管理者应当通过系统的基于质量管理原则的评审,对产品实现和支持过程的业绩进行控制。
- Uni-President's management principles are consistent with the business culture. In addition to every Uni-President's employee working honestly and with dedication, proceeding step-by-step to build up the foundation of continuous growth. 此一经营理念与企业文化得以贯彻,除了每一位同仁皆能脚踏实地、稳扎稳打,为公司创建永续成长的基础外,
- Chapter 2: In this chapter, we described the new Basle Credit Risk Management Principles first, and then we made the credit risk management target and strategy and the basic frame. 本章首先综述了新巴塞尔协议的信用风险管理原则,并在此基础上说明商业银行信用风险管理的目标与战略,建立商业银行信用风险管理基本框架,说明虽然依靠目前的技术,我们尚未能做好该框架的全部内容,但现在风险管理者已经依据现代风险管理理论开发出了多个信用风险管理模型,我们可以借鉴应用这些模型。 第三章,信用风险管理技术。
- Management Principles: A biding by contracts and honoring credits; Customer supreme and service first; Mutual benefit and common prosperity; International practice as ways of handling. 公司的经营宗旨:重合同、守信用、客户至上、热忱服务、互惠互利、共同繁荣,按国际贸易准则和惯例经营业务。