- Management Earnings Forecast 公司治理
- Also, Merrill Lynch had its earnings forecast cut by JP Morgan Chase (JPM) and UBS (UBS). 尽管现房销售依然不景气,但是报告仍让大家看到了一线希望,毕竟一年来首次出现月度增长。
- Financial Derivatives: Concepts and Accounting, Human Capital and Accounting, Predictability of Earnings Forecast Errors. 盈馀管理、内部人持股、资讯内涵、财报品质、经营绩效、资本市场。
- Managers earn fees, based on a proportion of assets under management. 管理者赚取基于其管理的一部分资产的费用。
- The accounting treatment of the losses in Japan and WMC, the US subprime business, forced GE to trim its full-year earnings forecast to a range of $2.16-$2.21 per share from $2.18-$2.23. 由于对其日本业务和美国次级抵押贷款业务WMC所产生的亏损进行会计处理,通用电气被迫将全年每股收益预期从2.;18-2
- Trends in analyst earnings forecast properties 分析师收益趋势预测的属性
- However, the related regulations require a ROE threshold for applying SPO, which may promote incentive to manage earnings. 实证结果发现,1999年至2000年期间,公司越依赖非经常性利润从事盈馀管理者,越不会获证监会核准配股申请;
- Contributed to the overall optimism was a strong earning forecast from FedEx (FDX). 昨天联邦快递(FDX)发布的强劲盈利目标给大盘带来乐观情绪。
- This study investigates how profit-seeking enterprises manage earnings in response to the newly enacted tax system using data from the companies listed by TSEC & OTC. 摘要:本研究藉由最低税负制度之施行,进行观察企业以租税为诱因之盈馀管理议题。
- The rate expresses how much profit the management earns using the overall resources and reflects the efficiency of the management. 它所表达的含义是,管理当局利用全部资源赚取了多少利润,反映了管理当局的管理效率。
- Stocks rallied Thursday as investors welcomed an upgrade of Intel (INTC), lower commodity prices and improved earnings forecasts from Wal-Mart (WMT). 周四,英特尔(INTC)评级调升、商品价格回落和沃尔玛(WMT)调升盈利预期等利好消息推高了大盘。
- The Empirical Study on Reliability of China's IPO Earnings Forecast 我国IPO公司盈利预测可靠性实证分析
- Discussion of the Earnings Forecast Disclosure in China 对我国上市公司盈利预测信息披露问题的探讨
- This research mainly is inquire into Taiwan listed companies, making use of discretionary accruals, real activities and diversification to manage earnings while facing to loss in business threshold. 中文摘要本研究主要系探讨国内上市公司,面临亏损门槛时,利用裁决性应计项目、实质交易操作、转投资行为进行盈馀管理之情形。
- On the Voluntary Disclosure of Earnings Forecast of IPO Company IPO公司自愿披露盈利预测:影响因素与准确性
- So far, Mr Hecht has not reduced his third quarter earnings forecasts for Wall Street firms, though he said he was keeping a close eye on market conditions and might revisit his predictions later this month. 迄今为止,赫克特尚未下调自己对华尔街投行第三季度的收益预期,但他表示,正密切关注市场状况,并有可能在本月晚些时候重新考虑自己的预测。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- With US-focused sectors such as financial services and consumer products reeling from the housing downturn and credit squeeze, the new concerns over multinationals are forcing analysts to further downgrade their earnings forecasts. 目前,金融服务和消费品等重点放在美国的行业因住宅市场低迷和信贷紧缩而步履维艰,市场对跨国公司新的忧虑正促使分析师进一步下调这些企业的收益预期。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。