- Our country pass through near twenty years" legal system, each administrative management domain"s coercion system already elementary constitute. 我国经过近二十年的法制实践,各行政管理领域的强制执行制度已初步建立。
- The two versions are not interoperable.If a switch is configured in a domain for VTP Version 2, all switches in the management domain must be configured for VTP Version 2. 这二个版本彼此并不相容,如果领域中的某个交换器被设定为第二版,则在该管理领域内的所有交换器都必须设定为第二版。
- Administrative Directory Management Domain. A X.500 directory management domain run by a PTT (Posts, Telegraph, and Telephone administration) or other public network provider. 公用号码簿管理域。PTT(邮政、电报及电话管理)或其他公共网络运营商采用的X.;500号码簿管理域。
- The Conference will be addressed by leading industry experts from China, USA, Australia and India. Experts of the Software Engineering and Management domain will conduct these world -class tutorials. 来自中国,美国,澳大利亚和印度的顶级行业专家将在大会上发言。软件工程和管理领域的专家将主持这些世界水准的专题研讨进修会。
- If this is the first switch in the management domain and additional switches will be added, set the mode to server.The additional switches will be able to learn VLAN information from this switch. 如果该交换器是管理领域内的第一台交换器,并且要让其它的交换器可以加入,就应该把这台交换器设定为伺服模式,如此一来,新加入的交换器将可以从这台交换器学到VLAN的资讯。
- For example, one operations team might manage domain and forest functions, while another operations team manages Exchange-related functions. 例如,一个操作团队可能管理域和林功能,而另一个操作团队则管理与Exchange相关的功能。
- Does one like islands because one unconsciously appropriates them, a small manageable domain in a large unmanageable world? 但是,偶尔也会有一座岛屿出现在远处地平线上,我们不知其名,令人充满着神秘之感,它是海底山脉之顶峰,显得孤独、无暇、遥远。
- Its prototype is a system mining rule based knowledge in relation database or deductive database, and managing domain knowledge and mining result. Its main functions include data mining, domain knowledge management and mining result management. 系统原型是一个在关系或演绎数据库中采掘规则型知识 ,并对领域知识和采掘结果进行管理的系统 ,其主要功能包括数据采掘、领域知识的管理和采掘结果的管理。
- private directory management domain 私营号码簿管理域
- administrative management domain 公用管理域
- Administration management domain 行政管理域
- By default, management domains are set to a nonsecure mode.That means that the switches interact without the use of a password. 在预设情形下,管理领域被设定成为非安全模式,此意味著这些交换器的交互作用并不需要密码。
- The common CORBA/SNMP gateway has not the ability of scooping,filtering and synchronization,which does harm to the interworking between different management domains. 一般的CORBA/SNMP网关不具有定界、过滤和同步的能力,这为管理域的互连带来了不利的因素。
- Managing Domain Security requires configuring TLS with mutual authentication on Edge Transport servers and then specifying the business partners by domain name in the transport configuration. 管理域安全性需要在边缘传输服务器上配置具有相互身份验证的TLS,然后在传输配置中按域名指定业务伙伴。
- In this unique Master in Hospitality Management program, we combined the wealth of knowledge and insight in business and management domains of Rotterdam School o... 在这独特的酒店管理硕士项目,我们把知识和业务洞察力和管理鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学学校管理域的财富。
- The actions of Kingdom Chu in managing southwest area included empoldering Pu Folk, trespassing lands of Ba, managing domain of Shu, occupying Yelang, and Zhuangqiao's army entering Than, and so on. 摘要先秦时期楚国对西南地区的经营主要体现在启濮、对巴地的侵逼、对蜀地的经营、对夜朗的占领和庄蹻入滇等诸多行动上;
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。