- Create a new folder to store the Workplace Web Content Management data. 创建新的文件夹用于存储Workplace Web Content Management数据。
- Research the problem of the project cost management data mart establishment. 探讨了有关市政工程项目成本管理数据集市建设的问题。
- Interprets and communicates process management data for complex problems. 解释和沟通复杂问题中的流程管理数据。
- The CIM specification is the language and methodology for describing management data. CIM规范是描述管理数据的语言和方法。
- Strictly say, the database is "organize, save with the warehouse of management data according to the data structure". 严格地说,数据库是“按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库”。
- The free JTune tool can take GC logs and graphically display heap size, GC duration, and other useful memory management data. 这个免费的JTune工具可以利用GC日志并以图表形式显示堆大小GC期间和其他有用的内存管理数据。
- Together, the three WMI components provide the infrastructure through which configuration and management data is defined, exposed, accessed, and retrieved. 这三个WMI组件共同提供通过其定义、公开、访问和检索配置和管理数据的基础结构。
- In SNA network an LU-LU session in which a function management data( FMD) request may be enciphered before it is transmitted and deciphered after it is received. 在系统网络体系结构(NA)络中,一种逻辑单元到逻辑单元之间的话路,其中的操作管理数据(MD)求在被发送出去之前要对它进行加密、及在被接收到之后要对它进行解密。
- The Communication model deals with how the management data is communicated between the agent and manager process. 通讯模型处理的是管理资料如何在仲介和管理员程序之间通讯。
- A method of managing data of a file system using a database management system is provided. 提供了一种使用数据库管理系统管理文件系统的数据的方法。
- A computer is an erudite tutor,and a talented secretary who can draw up documents,manage data,design blueprints,type papers and so on. 计算机是一个知识渊博的家庭教师,是一个有才华的“秘书”,他能够起草公文、管理数据、设计图纸、编写稿件等等。
- A set of system procedures which prepares an image for execution. The image activator establishes the memory management data structures required both to map the image's virtual pages to physical pages and to perform paging. 为执行而准备映象的一组系统程序,它建立将映象虚拟页映射到物理页和实现分页所必需的内存管理数据结构。
- The function of product data management (PDM) system is to manage data and processes having correlations with product design. 产品数据管理(PDM)系统的功能是管理与产品设计相关的数据和过程。
- To manage data storage, many Database Management System are now available, like ORACLE, MS SQLSERVER , DB2, INFOMIX , SYBASE and MYSQL etc. 在数据的存储方面,有ORACLE,MS SQLSERVER,DB2,INFORMIX,SYBASE,MYSQL等成熟的数据库服务器产品提供比较完善的功能。
- An allocation unit is a collection of pages within a heap or B-tree used to manage data based on their page type. 分配单元是堆或B树内用于根据页类型管理数据的页集合。
- They can manage data by creating a further specialization from one of the base types. 通过进一步专门化基本类型之一,他们可以做到这一点。
- Transaction log files give ESE the ability to manage data storage with high speed efficiency. 事务日志文件使ESE能够以高速度的效率来管理数据存储。
- Manage data manipulation by using stored procedures, transactions, triggers, user-defined functions, and views. 通过使用存储过程、事务处理、触发器、用户定义函数和视图来进行数据操作。
- The most serious challenge so far to the supremacy of RDBMSs in managing data is the increasing need of enterprises for complex and function-related data. 对关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)在管理数据方面霸主地位最严重的挑战是,企业对复杂的和功能有关的数据要求越来越来高。
- Initially, the goal of ERP systems was to reduce the effort invested in managing data entry and paperwork. 最初,建立ERP系统的目的是为了减少在管理数据和文书工作中的投入。