- Spinning Machinery and Twisting Machines for Natural and Man Made Fibres, Wadding, Felting and Hat-Making Machines, Non Woven Fabric Machinery, Cordage and Rope-Making Machinery. 天然纤维和化学纤维用纺纱机及加捻机械,填絮,缩绒,制帽机,无纺织物机械,搓绳制绳机。
- Cotton is a natural fibre;nylon is a man - made fibre. 棉花是天然纤维,尼龙是人造纤维。
- The old man made a will yesterday. 那老人昨天立了遗嘱。
- That's because we have switched to piece goods market. 那是因为我们转向布匹生意的缘故。
- ornamental textile braid[in the piece, of strip not exceeding 5 mm in ditch, of man made fibres] 装饰性纺织编带[成条,宽度不超过5mm的人造纤维造成]
- The old man made a cage for birds. 老人做了一只鸟笼。
- The young man made a good impression on them. 这个年轻人给他们留下了好印象。
- Primitive man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 原始人用尖石块和动物的骨制造工具。
- We also take on a variety of silk piece goods. 我们也经营各种绸缎的生意。
- The rich and handsome young man make a conquest of jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。
- We can offer various kinds of cotton piece goods. 我们能报盘各式各样的棉布。
- They trade mainly in cotton piece goods. 他们主要经营棉布。
- Love is the effort a man make to be satisfied with only one woman. 恋爱,是男人作出的准备只以一个女人来满足自己的努力。
- Cotton Piece Goods are our line. 棉布是我公司经营的产品。
- The man made up his mind to grasp the thistle firmly. 这个人痛下决心,毅然处理困难局面。
- Cotton Piece Goods are our main exports. 棉布是我们的主要进口商品。
- The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。
- The man made a statement to the police. 这个人向警察作了陈述。
- Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 原始人用尖石块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。
- What else have you got outstanding besides these piece goods? 除了这些布疋之外,你们还有什么其他出色的货品吗?