- This instrument adapts each kind of mammary gland disease inspection, can provide the pathological change information. 该仪器适应各类乳腺疾病的检查,均能够提供病变信息。
- The high levels of serum FCH,TG and apoA1,maladjustment of menstruation,usage of estrin,well history of mammary gland disease and history of mammary gland trauma may be the risk factors for occurrence of breast cancer. 血清FCH、TG、apoA1水平高,月经不规律,使用雌激素,乳腺良性病史,乳腺外伤史可能为乳腺癌发生的危险因素。
- Li xiaoling, M.D. Associate professor of General Srgery, specializes in thyroid gland, mammary gland diseases and pediatric surgery diseases, and published more than 10 papers. 从事普外专业10余年,有坚实的理论基础和丰富的临床经验。擅长甲状腺、乳腺、胃肠疾病及小儿外科疾病的诊断和治疗。参加多项课题研究。在国家级和省级杂志上发表论文10余篇。
- mammary gland disease 乳房疾病
- Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water? 乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?
- Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence? 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?
- Can mammary gland fibroma have a relapse after art? 乳腺纤维瘤术后会复发吗?
- Mammary gland is the main site to synthesize milk. 乳腺是合成乳汁的主要场所。
- The mammary gland is a magnificent protein-manufacturing organ. 乳腺不仅是大量产生蛋白质的器官;
- The hair cause of disease of disease of mammary gland hyperplasia because still very not clear. 乳腺增生症的发病原因尚不十分清楚。
- Analyzing 3262 Examples of Mammary Gland Diseases Diagnosed by Infra-red Ray Computer Scanning 电脑红外线扫描诊断乳腺疾病3262例分析
- Disease of mammary gland hyperplasia is a kind of common disease, frequently-occurring disease. 乳腺增生症是一种常见病、多发病。
- Image Analysis of 1600 cases of mammary Gland diseases by near infrared scanning 1600例乳腺疾病近红外线扫描图像分析
- To effective prevente breast disease, especially to has the special effect to the mammary gland proliferation. 有效预防乳房疾病的发生,尤其对乳腺增生性疾病有特殊效果。
- What reason causes proliferation of female mammary gland? 女性乳腺增生是什么原因引起的?
- Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia? 乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?
- Encounter mammary gland growth, can you excise fibroma? 遇到乳腺增长,你会切除纤维瘤吗?
- Does mammary gland fibroma have very big concern with the mood? 乳腺纤维瘤是不是和心情有很大的关系?
- These study ill to discussing mammary gland hyperplasia endocrinopathy law, treat disease of mammary gland hyperplasia to have important sense better. 这些研究对于探讨乳腺增生病的内分泌失调规律,更好地治疗乳腺增生病具有重要意义。
- If breast is painful heavier, affect daily life work even, can treat to disease, or gain the remedy that fall ill with mammary gland. 假如乳痛较重,甚至影响日常生活工作,则可对症治疗,或同乳腺增生病的治疗。