- male power words 男权话语
- From that Heracles happened to become an prototype of male power. 于是,赫拉克勒斯偶然地成了男性力量的原型。
- Divine Aegis or Power Word: Shield? Which takes precedent? 神佑之盾还是真言术:盾?哪个更加优先呢?
- I have used the Google Kingsoft Power Word for a bit long time. 用谷歌金山词霸在线字典有一段日子,但以前从未在英语社区里转过。
- In 18th century, France was still an agricultural society and male power was on dominion. 18世纪的法国仍是农业社会,男权势力占统治地位。
- A small but powerful words can make a big miracle. 小但有力的话能创造大的奇迹。
- The Yellow Wallpaper reveals the predicament of female survival in the male power culture and society and the author expresses her accusation of it. 本文论述《黄色糊墙纸》揭示了女性在男权文化与社会中的生存困境,表达了作者对男权制社会的控诉。
- On the other hand, she accepted the male power consciousness consciously and became an accessary to the male power thought. 另一方面她又自觉地接受男权意识,成为男权意识的帮凶和走卒。
- Woolf applies the metaphorical writing technique of dual-sex in a body with the help of Orlando's strange sex changing and comes to denounce the male power society. 伍尔夫运用“双性同体”这种隐喻的写作手法,借助奥兰多奇异的变性,以达到她对男权社会的斥责。
- Undeniable, our social male power society, the female in “the leadership” in the position, only is every so often one kind of symbolic significance even is embellishes. 不可否认的,我们的社会还是男权社会,女性在“领导”位置上,很多时候只是一种象征意义甚至是点缀。
- Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Prayer of Fortitude and Prayer of Spirit mana costs reduced. 真言术:韧,神圣精神。坚韧祷言,精神祷言的魔法消耗减少。
- Power Word: Shield: The Weakened Soul effect will no longer sometimes be re-applied while zoning with this buff on. 真言术:盾:当切换地图时,灵魂虚弱的时间将不再会被重置。
- "Ice Block": This ability no longer makes mages immune to "Weakened Soul" from "Power Word: Shield". “寒冰障壁”:该技能将不能使法师免疫牧师的“真言术:盾”带来的“灵魂虚弱”效果。
- Levitate (yes, seriously), Power Word: Shield, Shadow Word: Pain and Smite are the most important for leveling. 漂浮(恩,我不是在开玩笑)、真言术:盾、暗言术:痛、惩击这几个铭文是练级中最重要的。
- In this period,Guo Mo-ruo is far away from China and power words centre,can structure one's own words system without interruption. 这个时期,郭沫若远离中国的权力话语中心,可以不受干扰地构建自己的话语体系。
- Fighting against the Chinese hand laundries, these white power laundrymen thus claimed their authority in the laundry trade by drawing connections between male power and white supremacy. 白人洗衣厂主以男性威权的认知结构和白人统治非白人的种族优越意识套用在它与华人洗衣店的商业竞争过程里,以此建立白人男性在洗衣业中的霸权。
- Power Word: Shield: Using low ranks of this spell will now be penalized the same way healing spells are penalized. 真言术:盾:低级的真言术:盾将和低级治疗法术享受同样的等级惩罚(有人用低级盾的么...)
- Its necessity we can see from the importance of feminist critique, the Chinese several millenniums male power culture tradition as well as in the traditional opera gender research present situation. 其必要性可以从女性主义批判的重要性、中国几千年男权文化传统以及古典戏曲性别研究现状中看出。
- Power words theory of Fouvault, west cultural hegemony theory of Gramsci and theory of Fanon are main theory origin of view of national culture. 福柯的权力话语理论、葛兰西的文化霸权理论和法农的民族文化论述是民族文化观主要的理论渊源。
- Absorptions -- things like Power Word: Shield.Chaos Bolt will continue to affect these. 装死是吸收效果,所以混乱箭仍然可以穿透它。