- male fertility rate 男子生育率
- Nugent says statistics on the fertility rate were also revealing. 认为生育率的统计书数也是很有启迪意义的。
- Luminal acidification in the epididymis is an important process for the regulation of male fertility. 附睾管腔内酸化是调控男性生育的重要过程。
- Paulson JD, Negro-Vilar A, Lucena E. Andology (Male Fertility and Sterility). London: academoic press, inc 1986,332. 郭应禄;李宏军编.;男性不育症
- Ureaplasma urealyticum and Chlamydia trachomatis were known, because those infections affect the male fertility. 解脲支原体、沙眼衣原体对男性生育力的影响已经受到关注。
- We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation. 只有思想观念得以改变,明白身为人类一员所应承担的责任时,生育率回弹才能成为一种可能。
- The sperm protamine could be an important parameter in the assessment of male fertility. 精核蛋白可作为临床评价精子生育力的重要指标。
- Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about measures to raise the fertility rate. 要生育率回升,方法似乎不多。
- Unfortunately,the same cannot be said about measures to raise the fertility rate. 要生育率回升,方法似乎不多。
- Inhibin B is directly relevant to spermatogenesis of the testis and can be viewed as a valuable marker to assess male fertility. 抑制素B能直接反映睾丸的精子发生,可作为临床评价男性生育力的重要指标。
- Chemicals found in many food, cosmetic and cleaning products pose a real threat to male fertility, a leading scientist has warned. 一位领导科学家警告道,很多食物里、化妆品和清洁品里存在的化学物对雄*可育*是个威胁。
- Here, the fertility rate is below1.5 and countries are struggling in a fertility trap. 这里的出生率低于1.;5,这些国家在生育泥潭里面挣扎。
- Selenium may also have a role in mammalian development, in male fertility, in immune function and in slowing the aging process. 硒可能也有在哺乳动物的发展过程中的一个角色,在男性肥沃方面,用免疫的功能和在降低老化的过程过程中。
- In spite of a series of measures to encourage Singaporeans to go forth and multiply, there are still no signs of a rebound in the fertility rate. 新加坡政府颁布一系列优惠措施,鼓励国民多生育。虽然开出的配套颇诱人,生育率仍没有回弹的迹象。
- By comparison, the fertility rate in developed countries has been stable, or falling. 比较而言,发达国家的生育率保持稳定或是下降趋势。
- Discussion:As the seminiferous tubules of testis play a crucial role in spermatogenesis,calcificationof the said tubules certainly affects male fertility. 讨论:睾丸精细管在精子的生成过程中起着十分重要的作用,该处发生病变钙化必然影响生孕能力。
- Since our country fertility rate change always all has close relationship with the birth civilization development. 我国的生育率变化一直以来都与生育文明的发展有着密切的关系。
- Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said there had been a lot of interest in cycling and male fertility but results had been mixed. 谢菲尔德大学男科资深专家艾伦。佩西博士说,与骑车和男性生育能力相关的研究很多,而结果也是众说纷纭。
- For the royal women, through historical and revelant epitaph records, the concubine fertility rate is 1.55. 而对于皇室妇女来说,通过史书和墓志的相关记载,得出后妃的生育率为1.;55。
- In 1964 when the island-wide family planning program was promoted, the total fertility rate ( TFR ... 因此, 台湾在全面性家庭 计画推动后 20 年便完成生育方面 的 ...