- malagasy subregion 马尔加什亚区
- For the recent more than a decade, the economic cooperation in the Mekong subregion has made a rapid headway. 近10多年来,湄公河次区域经济合作取得较快进展。
- My Malagasy guide, Marie Razafindrasolo, finds the source of the sound perched on a branch. 我的马达加斯加人向导马里拉扎芬德拉索劳,发现了这个栖息在一根树枝上声源。
- In the internal subregion the field is formulated by traditional finite element method. 其中,对耦合面内子区域采用传统有限元法离散;
- The CAMP evaluation by Malagasy and expatriate reviewers was clear on this subject. 对于饲养单独一只扁尾蛛网龟的合理饲养箱比例应相当于2英尺*3英尺。
- Under the framework, China has actively participated in the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation. 在该框架下,中国积极参与了大湄公河次区域经济合作。
- Objective To study the fauna of Fanniidae (Diptera) in subregion Loess plateau of China. 目的调查研究我国黄土高原亚区厕蝇科昆虫种数、分布及区系特征。
- Premier Wen Jiabao is in Laos attending the third Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) summit which ends today. 温家宝总理在老挝参加第三次大湄公次地区峰会于今天闭幕。
- The most complex biogeographic histories among the invertebrates relate to the butterflies, given our current understanding of Malagasy invertebrate history. 最复杂的地理历史是无脊椎动物中的蝴蝶,使我们能了解马达加斯加的无脊椎动物历史。
- Objective: To identify the possible factors of suicide in the subregion of Transkei, South Africa. 目的:确定南非川斯凯亚区自杀的可能因素。
- In the case of the ants, studies show a much greater affinity of Malagasy taxa to Afrotropical taxa, rather than to Indoasian groups (Fisher 1997, 2003). 关于蚂蚁的研究,显示马达加斯加种类与非洲种类的关系比印度种类的关系密切。
- After Asian banking crisis, collaboration of northeast subregion region has real sense more. 亚洲金融危机后 ,东北亚区域合作更具现实意义。
- The regional cooperation is playing a vital role in promoting comprehensive development of the subregion. 区域合作,对提升次地区的全面发展,起着十分重要的作用。
- One of our four new Malagasy traversodontid species also has large, stout, forward-projecting incisors for grasping vegetation. 马达加斯加发现了四种新的横齿龙,有一种门齿大而结实,向前突出,是抓牢植物用的。
- It is clear the Mekong subregion is seeing an integration of multiple interests. 很明显,湄公地区正被看作是多重利益的结合点。
- One example is famadihana - the turning of the bones - a traditional ritual carried out by the Malagasy people of Madagascar. 事例1:“翻尸换衣节”(famadihana)是马达加斯加岛的马尔加什人举行的一项传统仪式。
- Results There are 31 species, 2 genera of the Family Fanniidae in this subregion. 结果发现该亚区厕蝇科2属31种。
- The Greater-Mekong subregion comprises six countries, namely Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. 在大湄公河次区域的六个国家,即柬埔寨,中国,老挝,缅甸,泰国和越南。
- Countries in the Mekong subregion today have achieved political peace, social stability, and economic gains. 现在,该地区已经形成了政治和平,社会稳定,经济发展局面。
- We are a general mechandise dealing on various children products (bicycle) in Nigeria and West Africa Subregion. 我们是一个在尼日利亚和西非地区做各种儿童产品(自行车)的大商人。