- Impetuosity will only make things worse. 急躁只能坏事。
- Don't tell her that-you'll only make things worse. 别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。
- Raking up the past will only make things worse. 重翻旧账只会使事情更糟。
- To make things worse, he forgot to bring his book. 更为糟糕的是他忘了带书。
- Don't make things worse than they already are. 不要把事情弄的更糟了。
- At all event,we can't make things worse than they already are. 无论如何我们不能够把事情搞得比原来还糟糕。
- But as they are about to return, an unprecedented storm descends on the area and blocks their way home. To make things worse something unexpected happens. 正当他们准备返航时,一次强烈的风暴阻断了他们的归途,而他们又遇到了意想不到的困难。
- To make things worse, I did not believe that man had a soul. 最糟糕的是我根本不相信人有灵魂。
- To make things worse, he left his key in the office. 更糟的是,他把钥匙丢在办公室里了。
- Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse. 不要愤怒,它将令你的一天变的更糟。
- Because she knows that Peter will make things worse there. 因为她知道彼得会把事情弄得更糟。
- He was afraid that the story would make things worse. 他担心那个故事会使事情更糟。
- Your suggestion could only make things worse if anything. 你的建议只会使事情变得更糟。
- At all event, we can't make things worse than they already are. 无论如何我们不能够把事情搞得比原来还糟糕。
- At all events, we can't make things worse than they already are. 在任何情况下我们都不会把事情搞得比现在更糟。
- To make things worse, they have several default prefixes ... 这些程序有有几个缺省前缀,这会让事情显得更加糟糕。
- You are only making things worse. 你反倒把事情弄得更糟了.
- Sassing back only makes things worse. 争吵只会使事情更糟。
- "It just makes things worse," said Apter. “只是让事情更糟,”阿普特说。
- To make things worse Duncan and Ginobili have had the same lack of success. 更坏的是,邓肯和吉诺比利也像我一样很少投篮成功。