- It was no use seeking to make peace between the two countries. 企图使两国媾和是没有用的。
- The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. 谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。
- Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota. 在两个派别之间实现和平; 毫无意义; 没有达到定额
- He sent some of his men to Lilliput to make peace between the countries. 他派他的属下到利力浦来谈和。
- He often had to make peace between his own rival ministers of state. 他还得经常在他意见相左的大臣们之间进行讲和。
- It is doubtful whether anyone can make peace between the estranged partners; they have become irreconcilable. 对于是否能够调和疏远的两方,是值得怀疑的,他们已经是水火不容了。
- She made peace between Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Watkins. 她使哈里斯太太和沃特金斯太太和解了。
- As soon as he had gone, Feng Yun-thing dashed upstairs in a flurry, intending to make peace between the quarrelling women. 当下冯云卿怀着一颗怔忡不安定的心,转身踉踉跄跄跑上楼去,打算做照例的和事佬。
- Entering a new school, rebellious Weika know the same girl pene-Rop, similar personalities make peace between them soon became good friends. 进入新学校后,薇卡认识了同样叛逆的女孩佩内罗普,相似的性格让二人很快成为了好朋友。
- He means to negotiate deep cuts in nuclear weapons, make peace between Arabs and Jews, engage Iran, heal the climate and establish America as the strongest and most upright pole of a multipolar world. 他意在采取深入谈判的方法削减核武、在阿拉伯人和犹太人之间营造和平、同伊朗进行谈判、拯救气候以及在多极世界中树立美国最强大及最坚挺的地位。
- He has played an important role in making peace between the union and the management. 在调停工会与资方的分歧中他起了很大的作用。
- And a Costa Rica hotel is making peace between its guests and the local feline residents. 一间哥斯大黎加旅馆尝试让客人与当地猫科动物和平共处。
- He did a fine job making peace between the ANC and his fellow Zulus after apartheid ended. 在种族隔离政策结束后祖马成功地维持了非国大与祖鲁人之间的和睦关系。
- I should make peace with them if I were you. 我要是你的话,就会和他们和解了。
- He sickened of trying to make peace. 他对试图右和表示厌倦。
- She was trying to make peace with her next-door neighbors. 她试图与隔壁邻居讲和。
- Fwd: Peace BeTween AmeriCa And IsLam! 美国与伊斯兰教之间的和平!
- A: The UN wants to make peace in the world. 联合国想维护世界和平。
- Can there ever be peace between Zionism and Islam? 犹太复国主义和伊斯兰之间究竟是否存在和平?
- Better keep peace than make peace. 保持和睦胜过讲和。