- You make no reference to your plan in your letter. 你信里没有提到你的计划。
- He made no reference to these problems during the talk. 在会谈中他没有提到这些问题。
- She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans. 她没有提到她的病,只说了说她未来的计划。
- We have made no reference to asymmetric carbon atoms. 我们未曾涉及不对称碳原子。
- He looks well scrubbed and less bloated than usual, and made no reference to the events of two nights before. 他看上去经过了很好的“净化”处理,不象平时那样趾高气扬,也没有提到前两天晚上的事情。
- It has been running a minute-long eulogy to Miss Bhutto on many television channels, which makes no reference to her party. 在许多电视频道上都一直在播放一个时长一分钟的对布托女士的赞美辞,而没有涉及她的政党。
- In it Denisov, making no reference to the shortcoming of the commissariat department, simply begged for mercy. 这是检察官拟就的送呈国王的禀帖,杰尼索夫在其禀帖中只字未提及军粮管理处的过失,只是请求予以赦免。
- For her part, Clinton made no reference to the night's results in Wisconsin during a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, but she continued to attack Obama. 克林顿方面,在俄亥俄州杨斯顿市的集会上,她并没有提及威斯康星州那晚的初选结果,不过她仍在抨击奥巴马。"
- Mr Bernanke made no reference to the possibility of increasing Fed purchases of Treasuries to lean against the rise in yields. 伯南克没有谈及美联储加大美国国债购买量、以抑制国债收益率上升的可能性。
- He made no reference to the fruitless search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - a major justification for launching the war. 他没有使关于在伊拉克对大模毁灭性武器的不结果的搜寻参考成为-发射战争的主要的辩护。
- This has no reference to what we were discussing. 这与我们讨论的问题无关。
- Unaccountably, he made no reference to the sufferings of Sri Lankan Tamils even though nearly 300,000 of them have been displaced from their homes and are now miserably interned in camps. 令人费解的是,他并未提及斯里兰卡泰米尔人的遭遇。近300000名泰米尔人背井离乡,现在悲惨地生活在难民营里。
- At the news conference, he stressed the same misword his aim is to work with the Russian government the hall as a whole, and made no reference to Mr.Putin's political thinking, he . 在新闻发布会上,他强调了他打算与俄政府通盘合作,并不借鉴普京的政治思想。
- In its announcement, the China Securities Regulatory Commission made no reference to recent moves to limit short selling elsewhere or to the storms buffeting capital markets around the world. 中国证监会在公告中未提及其它国家近期限制卖空交易的举动,以及全球资本市场的动荡。
- The agent signed an agreement of sale which made no references to any stipulations in the title. 代理商签订了一份销售协议,其中并没有提及有关产权的任何规定。
- I make no claim to be a paragon. 我决不认为自己是完人。
- Flowers make no difference to this room. 这房间有没有花没什么区别。
- We have made no reference to asymmetric carbon atoms 我们未曾涉及不对称碳原子。
- It make no odds to me where to go. 到哪去我都无所谓。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。