- I'll make no effort to help Sophia. 我不会努力去帮助索菲娅。
- She made no effort to aid Sophia. 她根本不去帮助苏菲亚。
- They made no effort to hide their amusement. 他们毫不掩饰地表示好笑。
- He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury. 他冲了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。
- The prisoner made no effort to escape. 囚犯没有设法逃跑。
- They think they believe in Marxism, but make no effort to propagate materialism and do not give it a thought or express any opinion when they hear or read subjectivist stuff. 这些同志自以为相信马克思主义,但是,他们却不努力宣传唯物主义,听了或看了主观主义的东西也不想一想,也不发议论。
- Eva made no effort to save her brother-inlaw's life. 伊娃也没有出力去搭救她妹夫的性命。
- He hated her straightforwardly, making no effort to conceal it. 他十分坦率地恨她,从不设法加以掩饰。
- Eva made no effort to save her brother-in-law's life. 伊娃也没有出力去搭救她妹夫的性命。
- He broke the news of my brother's death to me, making no effort to cushion the blow(= make the news less shocking). 他把我兄弟死亡的消息直接告诉了我,没有试图减轻此事对我的打击。
- He made no effort to brush them away.He just let everything gush forth. 热泪从他脸上流下来,他并不去擦,只是叫一切都涌泻出来。
- He spared no effort to make her happy again. 为使她重新快乐起来,他想尽了办法。
- They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. 每当我从口袋里拿出一包糖果时,他们就毫不掩饰地取笑我。
- If the enemy sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the soldiers are exhausted. 见利而不进者,劳也;
- Craddock was nervously thinking of something to say, Miss Ley made no effort to help him. 克雷杜克紧张不安地想谈点什么,莱伊小姐没设法帮助他解除窘境。
- It was Cage's own fault if she felt missed out at the party; she made no effort to be friendly to people. 如果凯奇觉得在聚会上受到冷落那是她自己找的, 她没有对别人表示友好过。
- If a player is making no effort to play the ball and contact occurs, it is an unsportsmanlike foul. 如果一名队员不努力抢球并发生接触(即使接触再轻微),这是一起违反体育道德的犯规。1罚1掷是因为投篮成功
- He conquered a wide area and made his own city of Samarkand rich, but he made no effort to forge a lasting empire. 他征服了广泛地区,使他自己的城市撒马尔罕(苏联乌兹别克东部城市)变得富裕,但他没有努力去维系一个持久的帝国。
- Cannily, Mr.Buffett and MidAmerican executives made no effort to dispel this impression. 巴菲特和中美能源的高管都巧妙地没有试图消除外界的这种印象。
- They made no effort to hide their amusement no matter when (whenever) I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. 每当我从衣袋里拿出一包糖果的时候,他们毫不掩饰他们觉得好笑。