- We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn't make good time. 我们在崎岖不平的山路上行驶,车子开不起来。
- The train had some engine trouble, but it is making good time now. 这列火车的引擎出过故障,不过现在正在加速行驶。
- We made good time and drove to the coast in under two hours. 我们快速行驶,在两个小时内到达海滨。
- The train had some engine trouble,but it is making good time now. 这列火车的引擎出过故障,不过现在正在加速行驶。
- There was little traffic,so we made good time on our trip to Washington. 路上车辆不多,因此我们很快就到达了华盛顿。
- There was little traffic,so we made good time on our trip to the station. 路上行人车辆稀少,因此我们很快就赶到了车站。
- There was little traffic, so we made good time on our trip to Washington. 路上车辆不多,因此我们很快就到达了华盛顿。
- There was little traffic, so we made good time on our trip to the station. 路上行人车辆稀少,因此我们很快就赶到了车站。
- We will make good use of our time. 我们将好好利用我们的时间。
- We got caught in a traffic jam in Glasgow,but we made good time on the rest of the journey. 在格拉斯哥我们遇到交通堵塞,但是在后面的行程里,我们加快速度,抢回了时间。
- We had hoped to reach home before night,and we were making good time until the bad weather delayed us. 我们本希望天黑前到家,所以匆匆赶路,可后来天气变坏,行程被耽搁了。
- We got caught in a traffic jam in Glasgow, but we made good time on the rest of the journey. 在格拉斯哥我们遇到交通堵塞,但是在后面的行程里,我们加快速度,抢回了时间。
- We had hoped to reach home before night, and we were making good time until the bad weather delayed us. 我们本希望天黑前到家,所以匆匆赶路,可后来天气变坏,行程被耽搁了。
- The stalks will rot and make good fertilizer. 杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。
- God mete out justice in his own good time. 羞恶自有报,只争迟与早。
- Jack has learnt a lesson, and will make good. 杰克已经吸取了教训,会改过自新的。
- She promised to make good the loss. 她答应赔偿损失。
- My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it. 我的表自从摔了以后就不准了。
- The fall of the Cabinet will make good copy. 内阁的垮台将成为(报纸等的)好材料。
- We had a good time on the weekend party. 我们在周末聚会上玩得很快乐。