- give help to others; make things easy for others 与人方便
- take the difficulties on oneself and make things easy for others 把方便让给别人, 把困难留给自己
- A developed economy will make things easier for us. 发展起来就好办了。
- Strong wind gusts span ning the plains aren't making things easier for the firefighters. 平原的强风给救火人员带来很大麻烦。
- The shot rataion has been cleaned to make things easier for hunters and make them less reliant on mods or macros. 射击循环被消除以便让猎人更少的依赖于宏(抽筋宏的末日?)
- That certainly won't make things easier for the board swapper or the data recovery shops. 这些当然对电路板互换和数据恢复商来说更不容易了。
- A master craftsman would not change his tools just to make things easier for clumsy workers. Yi would not change his rules of archery for the sake of poor marksmen. 高明的工匠不因公人笨拙而改变废弃规矩,羿也不因射手拙劣而改变拉弓的标准。
- To make things easier for everyone to understand and do, we encourage people to use everyday language and always write or say abbreviations and acronyms in full. 为了让每个人容易理解和操作,我们鼓励大家使用日常用语并且在写或说上将缩写和首字母缩略写完整。
- He deliberately makes things difficult for others. 他常故意刁难人。
- You must take things easy for a while. 您忍耐一会。
- Before I will be easy for others who face a heavy burden. 以前的我会轻松地面对那些对别人来说沉重的担子。
- After his heart attack, he had to take things easy for a while. 心脏病发作后,他得好一段时间里不能太过操劳了。
- The doctor asked Bob to take things easy for a while. 医生让鲍勃先放松一会儿。
- My daughter will accompany you , being with a gargoyle will make things more easy for you. <我的女儿将会陪伴你去,有一个兽人族的人在,办事会方便点。
- A pair of wildfires are torching southern California. Strong wind gusts spanning the plains aren't making things easier for the firefighters. More than 100 homes have been destroyed by the blazes. 大火正在加州南部肆虐。横跨平原的强风使得救火队员的灭火工作异常艰难。至少有100间房屋被大火烧毁。
- When I talk, it isn't always easy for others to get a word in edgewise. 当我谈到某个话题的时候,很容易被别人误解为别的意思。
- I know a few tricks of the trade that make things easier. 我知道一些通融处世的诀窍。
- On the contrary, to see Carlo [Ancelotti] and [Mauro] Tassotti do it, with their ability to make things easy, is fascinating to me. 相反,看到了卡尔洛[安切洛蒂]和[毛罗]塔索蒂在做这项工作,以他们的能力可以使这些事情变得很容易,这些迷住了我。
- The idea that people evolved eyes that make it easy for others to see where they are looking suggests just how important sociability was for early humans. 通过关注他人的眼部活动来判断他人视线的观点表明对于早期人类来说,交际是很重要的。
- Your blood pressure is still not normal. You'll have to take things easy for a while. 你的血压还不正常,一段时间里你还不能太累。