- We accept payment in cash or in kind. 用现金或实物支付我们都接受。
- We all agreed to accept payment in kind in lieu of wages. 我们大家都同意接受发实物来代替发工资的办法。
- Also, in share transfer transactions, NRCs will encounter foreign exchange administration when it remits foreign currency into China to make tax payment. 再如,非居民企业境外股权交易中,非居民企业将外汇汇入国内进行完税面临外汇管理的问题。
- tax payment in kind 实物纳税
- B: Do differences exist in tax payment in different regions in China? 各个地区的资源缴纳的税收相同吗?
- Payment in Kind When a good or service is used as payment, as opposed to cash. 实物支付指以货品或服务代替现金支付。
- Any balance of TRCs in your account after termination of the monthly deduction will be carried forward for your tax payment in future. 在终止扣款后,你的储税券帐户内之馀额会自动结转及留作日后缴税之用。
- Even though, many flaws can be found in it.The imperfect tax credit system, various tax credit vouchers and the disjointed tax credit chain have made tax burden shift and tax payment run off. 但是,现行应纳增值税税额计算中的抵扣制度也存在明显的缺陷:抵扣制度不完善,抵扣凭证多样化,抵扣“链条”脱节,致使税负转移、税款流失;
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- When this payment in kind was commuted into coin, it was valued at 25 or 30 solidi a year for each soldier. 当实物饷金变为硬币时,一个士兵一年可得25至30索里迪。
- Article 5. Interest incomes, dividends and incomes from trading of B shares shall be allowed to be remitted abroad after tax payment in accordance with law. 第五条B种股票的股息、红利及交易收益可在纳税后汇出境外。
- Where the payment in cash really can not be realized, the method of expiating debts in kind may be adopted. 当现金受偿确实不能实现时,可接受以物抵债。
- The company gained remission from tax payments. 这家公司获准免税。
- Teachers' accommodation was also spartan: a small one-roomed flat for a family of three.Salaries were low, supplemented by payment in kind: apples, cabbage etc. 教师的食宿水平很低:一个3口之家住在一间房子里,工资也低,苹果、卷心菜等成为支付补助的形式。
- Richard joins me in kind regards. 和我向您致以亲切问候。
- This paper applies Markov chain method and analyzes a fine problem when taxpayer evade tax payment in the tax supervision. It provides a quantitative basis for similar management decision problems. 摘要本文利用马尔柯夫链分析方法,对税收监管工作中纳税人因偷逃税款而受到罚款惩处时罚款数额的确定问题进行了统计分析,它为实际管理工作中遇到的类似决策问题提供了科学的数量基础。
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling. 用英镑付款较方便
- Mr Robinson wants to pay in kind for the bike. 鲁宾逊先生想以实物交换来获得这辆自行车。
- I will make a partial payment in advance. 我会事前付一部分定金。