- Mike is faced with a difficult problem: how to make a promise and keep it. 麦克麦克面临一个棘手的问题:如何做出承诺,并信守承诺。
- If you make a promise you should keep it; you ought not to break a promise. 如果你作出了承诺,你就应该遵守诺言,不应该食言。
- If you make a promise you should keep it! 如果做出承诺你就该去遵守!
- If you make a promise, you must keep it. 假如你答应了,就必须做到。
- Be slow to make a promise but swift to keep it. 许诺要慢,践诺要快。
- If you make a promise you must keep it. 你一旦许下诺言就必须要遵守。
- Once you make a promise, you should keep it. 一旦做出承诺;就要遵守诺言.
- You have made a promise and you should stick to it. 你许下诺言,你就应该坚持。
- Hur! Just like you to make a promise and then forget it. 哼!你就是这种人,答应了,然后又忘了。
- If you make a promise, you should keep it; you ought not to break it. 如果你作出了承诺,你就应该遵守,而不应该食言。
- Hum! Just like you to make a promise and then forget it. 哼!你就是这种人,答应了,然后又忘了。
- If you make a promise you should keep it; you ought not to break your promise. 你如果做出允诺就得守诺言, 不应该违背它。
- Hur! Just like to make a promise and then forget it. 哼!就像做出了承诺又忘记它。
- The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it. 他们公司的董事长每次许诺必然会遵守诺言。
- Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it. 他不仅作出了许诺, 而且履行了诺言。
- You just made a promise and now you've gone back on it! 你怎么刚说了又不算了?
- The old squad leader is a man of his word; he never makes a promise he cannot keep. 老班长是说一不二的,他答应的事一定能办到。
- If you make a promise, you should fulfil it. 你苦是作出允诺,就必须履行。
- If you want a voice in Rome, win the people, speak from your heart, and when you make a promise, keep it. 要在罗马发言,要先赢取百姓,说话要发自内心,许下承诺便要遵守。
- I never rely upon his word, for he never makes a promise with the will to keep it. 我从不信任他说的话,因为他总是轻诺而不履行。