- Arbitration Commission to implement the principle of majority rule. 仲裁委员会实行少数服从多数的原则。
- majority rule principle 资本多数决
- The country produced a new constitution introducing majority rule. 这个国家制定了多数人统治的新宪法。
- Jefferson suggestsed not only popular sovereign and majority rule, but also the principle of representation, protection of minorities and separation of power. 杰斐逊不但主张人民主权,重视多数原则,而且承认代议制、分权制衡以及少数权利原则。
- It is a fundamental principle of the democratic system that the majority rules. 这是以大多数人为统治的民主制度的基本原则。
- The majority rules in a democracy. 民主国家一切听任多数人的意见裁决。
- Firm bid rule Principle that a bid is irrevocable for a reasonable time after bid opening. 递实盘规则即在开标后的合理时间内实盘不可撤消原则。
- Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule, coupled with individual and minority rights. 民主是以多数决定、同时尊重个人与少数人的权利为原则。
- For instance, majority rule works well when all rankings are ideologically driven. 例如多数决在所有评比都受意识形态驱策时很管用。
- For example, Calhoun and Sumner, based on the notion of limited government, insisted that the majority rule be curbed. 卡尔洪和桑姆纳的观点,虽然彼此的主张有所差异,正典型地反映了这种思想根源。
- To black audiences, he declares that democracy and majority rule will not change the material circumstances of their lives overnight. 对黑人听众,他宣称,民主和多数统治,不会在一夕之间改变他们生活的物质环境。
- Majority rule holds that only those policies that collectively garner the consent of a majority of citizens will become law. 多数决原则,唯有大多数公民共同地获取同意的那些政策将成为法律。
- That's the ruling principle of American freedom,the source of our democratic liberties. 这是美国自由的核心原则,也是民主自由之滥觞。
- Some people wonder how the minority is ever heard if the majority rules. 有些人不明白,在多数派掌政的时候,少数派如何表达自己的意见。
- To see what implications ideology holds for majority rule, think about each candidate's position on a spectrum ranging from the political left to the right. 要了解意识形态对多数决的影响,不妨想想每位候选人在从左至右的政治立场光谱上所佔的位置。
- To take himself seriously, yet never bore others by letting them know that he did so, seemed to have been his ruling principle. 他的立身之道好像律己很严,然而决不让人家知道他这样,免得使人讨厌。
- Even if Qualified Majority Rule is applied, member states often will seek to pass the resolution unanimously, which is the historical legacy of the "Luxemburg Compromise". 即便是特定多数表决方式下,由于“卢森堡妥协案”的深远历史影响,成员国往往也寻求一致通过决议。
- Where such great productive powers have been unleashed can one have a society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle. 只有当这种强大的生产能力获得解放之后,人们才能拥有一个以个人完全自由发展为指导原则的社会。
- Majority rule still fails to work well sometimes, as the Condorcet paradox shows, though less often than other voting rules do. 比起其他投票裁决制,多数决较少出现运作不良的情形,但有时仍难以避免,例如孔多塞吊诡所显示的。
- And only a minority of the group's members objected to patenting plants, with the majority ruling the action did not infringe on "their moral value. 仅有少数成员反对植物专利,但多数成员认为植物专利并未违背“他们的道德观”。