- He is a major stockholder in an oil company. 他是一家石油公司的大股东。
- The analyst believed that five kind of stocks become the lucky fellow who hopefully the major stockholder next step increases holds. 分析师认为,五类个股有望成为大股东下一步增持的幸运儿。
- Market anticipated, the Xinghua stock possibly has the potential which the company major stockholder conformity and the property pour into. 市场预期,兴化股份可能存在着公司大股东整合和资产注入的潜力。
- The synthesis, the China bank high price direction detection issues additionally refracts the major stockholder confidence signal. 综合来看,华夏银行高价定向增发折射出了大股东信心的信号。
- For instance the major stockholder needs to announce first that can increase holds or reducing, and after increasing holds, reducing to occur, must carry on announced next day. 比如大股东需要先公告,才能增持或减持,并且增持、减持发生后,要进行次日公告。
- After the major stockholder reduces, the announcement, the stock price falls, but the major stockholder had already reduced, biggest beneficiary or major stockholder. 大股东减持后出公告,股价下跌,不过大股东已经减持了,最大受益人还是大股东。
- In those variables, the business performance, company size and the holding-stock proportion of the first major stockholder are of great influence to the salary. 其中对薪酬具有显著影响的变量为公司业绩、公司规模、第一大股东的持股比例。
- Market prospects: Increases along with the Yang business major stockholder holds the information gradual disclosure, the investor confidence has the restoration. 市场展望:随着央企大股东增持信息的逐步披露,投资者信心有所恢复。
- Even if therefore the major stockholder stop increases holds, on the market fund surface's influence is still limited, the psychological stratification plane's influence must bigger somewhat. 所以即使大股东停止增持,市场资金面上的影响依然有限,心理层面的影响要更大一些。
- Now, the major stockholder state-owned major stockholder not only does not undersell temporarily particularly lifts a ban massively the stock, instead also will continue to increase holds the stock. 现在,大股东尤其是国有大股东非但暂时不抛售大量解禁股,反而还会继续增持股份。
- Also defers to the related stipulation, the major stockholder and the concerted action person, from sells increases holds date of 6 months in the stock, could not increase again holds. 又按照相关规定,大股东及其一致行动人自卖出增持股票之日起的6个月内,又不能再增持了。
- counter balance of the major stockholder 大股东制衡
- Most of Berkshire's major stockholders received their shares at yearend 1969 in a liquidating distribution from Buffett Partnership, Ltd. 大部分berkshire的大股东是在1969年清算巴菲特合伙事业时取得本公司股份的,
- It is known that the Coca-Cola purchase plan has obtained the Huiyuan fruit juice three major stockholders (sum total owns stocks nearly 66%) agreeing. 据了解,可口可乐的收购计划已获得汇源果汁三大股东(合计持股近66%25)的首肯。
- The rapid calculation, 11 company major stockholders increase through the secondary market hold the sum total to achieve nearly 20,000,000. 粗略计算,11家公司大股东通过二级市场增持合计达到近2000万股。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- Local fighting might spark off a major war. 局部战斗有可能引发一场大规模战争。
- Narcotics are a major threat to health. 毒品是危害健康的大敌。
- The railroad's major stockholders created Crédit Mobilier of America to divert its construction profits and gave or sold stock to influential politicians in return for favours. 该铁路的主要股东成立了美国信贷公司以转移利润,并藉由赠送或卖股票给政客以获取支持。